
1st gen Escort (U.S.). I remember my Dad test driving one. It appeared to be stuck in sand when it was actually on dry, level pavement.

The really sad thing about the 1st gen Cougar? It may be the last really interesting Mercury ever built. It's a wonder the brand lasted as long as it did.

A beautiful concept, not all the way thunk through.

My dad was always bumping around the 'budget' end of the automotive spectrum, and usual found reliable if not interesting cars. The most glaring exceptions I can recall were his K car (enough said) and the '66 Transporter. While undeniably cool in its way, this Transporter clearly had been on the wrong end of an

That hood looks like my beard just before I shaved it off.

I grew up with (among other vehicles) a '66 Transporter, a '72 Dodge Sportsman, a '75 Plymouth Voyager (badge-engineered Sportsman). Perfect for the family of 8.

@vavon205: Yeah. To be fair, Subaru has resisted model bloat until recently. My '07 Legacy feels just the right size, but the new one looks porky. And the new Impreza looks near the same size as my Legacy. Stop, Subie! Save yourself!

I remember that commercial! Nice taffy-pulled rendering of South Jersey there.

There's something remarkably modern about this design. With a little tweaking, it could be kinda current.

I'm partial to the the traditional black and white. Most of the stripey jobs just look like something with boy racer aspirations.

Cop a/c—hadn't heard that term.

Once you mentioned the comparison shopping, that sealed the deal. This was the pinnacle of style for AMC (a low bar, yes, but cleared by a mile). And you gotta love the animal print fake wood pouring down the center of the dash onto the console. Now THAT's innovation!

Congratulations! Little Jaloplings to follow?

I was there a couple of years ago, and no, DOTS will not suffer. And face it, Alameda had to be tapped out sooner or later.

I can't see the Futura name without thinking of the Fairmont-based abomination that came later.

@Rust-MyEnemy: Yes, yes I do. But since it's executed by Italians, it actually kinda works.

How? How? Didn't Fiats come pre-rusted? I don't care if it's Alameda, this seems to defy natural laws.

I'm so excited I have to take a nap now.

I's still a Fiero. Perhaps moderately collectible some day, what with Pontiac being dead and all, but now this has been adulterated. So it just becomes a $9K toy that will deteriorate rapidly if played with properly.

Subtract two doors, change it to white with a red interior, add a slushbox, and you've got my first car. It got the job done, but I've never since driven a car that entered life with such poor build quality.