
When I was a kid, a '72 Sportsman, then a '75 Plymouth Voyager (yes, pre-minivan) were our family haulers over several years. Spartan accommodations for a family of 8, but the Dodge especially was bulletproof reliable.

Now, imagine taking the bottom out of the bed of a modern pickup. With all the plumbing, wiring, etc., you probably wouldn't lose a thing you put in there.

That's "Behaviour."

Excellent news. A couple too many random intakes on the nose, but so much win otherwise, it doesn't matter.

We have seen the future, and it is dorky.

@PipeSmokingVolvoDriver: See my comment at 6:07. If you're anywhere near Oldwick, NJ, you can realize your dream...

How weird...I was driving by the Benz/Porsche/Bimmer/Rolls specialist garage near my office this morning, and there was a bilious yellow 914 outside. It's for sale, Murilee! You can recapture your childhood!

I'm still partial to the even crisper AMX, but this is very pretty—much better than the later ones that sprouted those goofy front fender flares.

Based on #14, there must be some reallllly low bridges in Alameda.

You'd think they could have at least designed a special steering wheel for it. That EXACT wheel was in my '88 5-door Horizon.

Hey, you want your wheels to make a statement. These happen to say, "Target practice!"

#1 and #23 make it look like a slightly more angular Sundance/Shadow, which I'm sure the Maser people didn't intend.

Not a favorite. Looks like a half dozen designers stuck on random bits. But just for longevity, thumbs up.

On a side note, last week I became the owner of an '07 Legacy with 40K on the clock—never owned a Subie before. I took my 15-year-old son to the mall in it and he discovered the Song of the Boxer (as have I). He's hooked (so am I).

@crazycarlarry: Another car that looks better as a wagon. Somehow the squareback helps to balance the overgrown proboscis.

Now that I've clicked all the way through—fascinating. I like the way the GMC nonchalantly steps on the curb in #1. Also, the use of external parking brakes in #37 and #62.

I mentioned this in a threadjack a while back, but parachute into any Mexican city available on Google Street View, and gaze in wonder.

Another distant memory comes back to life on Murilee's Magic Island.

And then, like New Yorkers who have had enough, the traffic circles moved to Jersey and made life miserable for the natives.