
Somebody in my town drives a Cherokee with what amounts to a railroad tie for a front bumper.

I think the mechanics who are doing this work are going to need counseling. It's like forcing doctors to go Kevorkian—on healthy patients.

I had almost forgotten the insanity of front-engine dragsters. Also, this looks suspiciously like something from Hot Wheels. Needs tilt shift.

"No, no, I need the key for the Nano, not the Giga!"

I'll tell you who else is going to hate this—charities. I know, some of those car donation programs deliver only a fraction of the value to the actual charities, but I know one that actually puts the cars right into the hands of people who need them. Bad news for them.

It's got hips on its hips! Which is a good thing. I'm not sure about that taillight treatment, but I'll give them props for not looking like everything else.

@SCROGGS!!!: +1. I was trying to think of something a) smallish for those narrow European roads, b) truly American and c) good. You nailed it.

@Feds: For that you get a major award.

First thing that caught my eye was the picture, and I thought, 'What has Segway done now?'

The kid down the street just did this to his thoroughly off-road-hooned Impreza. You can still see all the dents, dings and Bondo, though. If he has to lift another body panel from the teal and red Franken-Subie in his driveway, this will get awkward.

@layabout returns: Now I see it. Hard to spot with the kidneys blending into the shadows. Or maybe it's my crummy monitor.

There's a distinctly American-malaise-looking piece of iron in #1, behind the guy with red sleeves. Anybody ID that one?

2nd-gen Saturn SL. He's 75, so this one will probably be it 'til he stops driving. Mom doesn't drive, nor does my wife's mom, oddly enough.

Nice price, if this is how you Rolls.

Thanks for throwing a wet blanket on my day. Somebody should have thrown it on the car.

Somebody has to figure out how to beat the homogenizing effect of the wind tunnel. The profile is almost Camry-like.

Well said.

At half the price, I would give it an eh-plus.

Sometimes on my morning commute, I see an M5 of similar vintage, quietly going about its business.

It's like a piece of road kill that's been frequented by vultures—hard to look at, but sustaining other lives. And who's been drawing smiley faces in the dust? Disrespectful.