
Next step: build a tamer but still not embarrassing version of this and call it...wait for it...Impala. Put that whole product line back together on a worthy platform. Do fresh, innovative stuff with the Impala version. And get started on the next generation—in the US, not down under. Nothing against Holden, but this

@A strolling player: Sometime last year, I had an all-too-brief glimpse of a Studebaker PICKUP—a creature I didn't know existed. Based on my research after the fact, it looked to be early '60s. Obviously restored, and visiting a NJ McDonald's. Just weird, in the best way.

@junkman: Ah, but then they would become PART of the rust belt. When I see old, rust-free iron here in NJ, all I can think is it must have come from somewhere else, and I hope they don't let it out of the garage between October and May.

Something like this is becoming law in NJ soon. Can you say predators and insurance scammers?

My purchase of an '86 Reliant for $400, which turned out to be overpriced. I was desperate. The seller, a cop, didn't want me test driving it because it wasn't registered. As I drove off with my purchase, I immediately discovered the power steering pump was shot. The fuel line leaked. The exhaust soon disintegrated.

It looks...fabricky. I think it's elaborate camouflage that just happens to look kinda cool. It would be totally illogical, though.

Kind of a less Teutonic Audi A8. Nice, but it just doesn't say Jag to me. Needs more haunches. The rear looks like a compromise of about three good ideas.

The Riviera started at the top in '63 and went downhill, gradually, but this is still pretty high up there. I would definitely swap out that louvered hood, but this is a beauty.

So, this is only 600 pounds lighter than my Pilot, and orders of magnitude less functional. OK, comparatively speaking, the Pilot can't get out of its own way, but why would you buy a hulking, hideous crossover with so little functionality? This thing is an answer to a question no one's asking, because no one's

Skinned knuckles? More like open fracture with a side of evisceration.

@pauljones: For what it's worth, the NYT drove with with the stick and found it wanting.

This insect, though beautifully preserved in formaldehyde, is still dead.

Sadly, the one parked in front of Kevork's looks ready for a visit from the doctor.

I'm just intrigued by those mesh screens over everything. They don't look quite sturdy enough to stand up against a large object. Does this thing come from a place with REALLY big bugs?

Within 10 minutes of me — in different directions — live a Willys Jeep and a deuce-and-a-half. Oddly, both are painted bright red. Anyway, Jeep FTW. Gotta love the original tires; tread pattern straight off a Tonka truck.

I could see this as some kind of movie prop, so somebody in Hollywood might buy it.

If you're going to get silly accessories for your supercar, it beats the $7,000 key fob.

@WheatKing: Tulsa's time capsule worked about as well, so Detroit did the same thing more economically. BTW, the Tulsa car ended up about 10 miles from me in Hackettstown, NJ for its cleanup.

At first I recoiled at the Tribeca-like snout on this, but it's growing on me. It certainly sets it apart from the current look-alike crop in this segment.