Like when you have an injury and you pinch yourself to make the pain less acute.
Like when you have an injury and you pinch yourself to make the pain less acute.
I’ve checked out the photo they have floating around of the suspect, and that dude does not look Hispanic to me at all. He looks Native American to me. Based on where Burlington is, if he *is* a member of a tribe in that area, I’m guessing he’s Tulalip or Upper Skagit. It would be ironic if that did turn out to be the…
I started typing out a response, but it was a barely-readable screed about ratings-driven media and the strength of the party in government. Thesis statement: you’re not wrong and I hate everything.
I’m sorry man. I remember people all of a sudden coming at Pinkham and it was sso baffling to me. Hang in there and know you got an ally. People posting pics of your daughter though? WTF, that ain’t right at all and if I see that nonsense I’m gonna take off these earrings.
Oh yes I’m totally with you. I just wish something got done when we focused on the big-ticket items.
I shouldn’thave said focus...we never take action. We argue, we have proxy fight, we throw poison pill amendments into any workable bill, and we end up on square one. I am so fucking sick of getting nowhere.
Of course they could be wrong in their description. Burlington, WA is not exactly an area with a lot of hispanics.
What’s going on with people out for your blood?
Thoughts and prayers for the climate!!!! *gets into hummer*
We can focus on both. We do need cultural and legal change to prevent tragedies like this.
Speaking of things that it’s just not the time to get into right now --
We should ban all people wearing grey from entering the country.
Good grief. Is this an every day thing now? I guess it’s fortunate that relatively few people were killed, but this is terrifying. I spent my early twenties afraid of leaving the house, and now I wonder if I got “better” or just slightly more subconsciously suicidal.
Holy shit. I don’t live in Burlington, but I live one county over. I’ve been to that mall so many times. I’m so sick and tired of this. Too fucking close to home. How many more times does this have to happen? Those poor people.
I’m seriously feeling the “take everyone’s guns away, they lost their damn privilege,” stance. Buuuuut I know it is crazy taboo to say anything close to that so, “hey guys, how about more gun control??”
Let me be the first to politicize:
JFC, why didn’t I think of that?
AND she wants to give her children AS MUCH AS SHE CAN.