Flying Squid (Today is my last day on Kinja. Bye.)


Yes and i would have mentioned that but after ruminating on the experience that felt more ‘weird supposed to see’ than ‘wierd not supposed to see’.

Preface: I rarely watch porn. Or, I should say, I rarely watched porn. Now I don’t do it at all.

The one thing that still creeps me out and makes me angry with myself for not speaking up about it- happened in Target. I was standing in line with my then 12 year old daughter and there was a guy/young woman couple that got in line behind us. My kid was preoccupied with a book but I glanced back and this guy was

Between the giant purple vibrator I found under a dog-walking client’s couch while retrieving a toy and the lesbian couple I walked in on at a FetLife party...nope, the horse porn on the family member’s computer still wins.

Thanks, it’s such a shitty thing to carry. It changed the way I viewed my dad forever and men in general (unfortunately). I’ll never underestimate someones ability to live a lie. My dad does not know that I know. I have no idea if he still cheats or what.

I had a boss who was not tech-savvy. He was also gay. His office computer was almost always fucked up and loaded with gay porn pics and videos. I’d fix it and just casually say “You got a lot of media files taking up space. Sholud I clean them out?” “Uh...yeah, probably.”

She saw I was sketched out, and hugged me, to comfort me, I guess.

When I was on maternity leave my son used to sleep very, very briefly in the morning at about 8.30. I had about half an hour to shower, dress, tidy up after breakfast, put laundry on etc etc. It was always a mad dash. The kitchen window faced the kitchen window of the flat next door, which was about six feet away.

I created an account to say I also have this secret about a parent and it has also scarred me for life. Said parent knows that I know. It gets more complicated than that but anyway just want to say you’re not alone!

So many things here. I’m cringe-y about razors in that area to begin with, but wielded by someone else?

My dad is recently widowed and living alone. My Mom was sick for a long time and he doesn’t seem interested in dating. BUT...I have had multiple incidents in the last 3 years of running into things I don’t want to see 1. Cleaning out his car found Mapquest(!) directions to strip clubs 2. Helping him sort out his

Visiting my bf’s was a lovely house, and I went upstairs to the hallway to look at the view of the valley. When I turned around to go back down, his grandma was there. Naked. Wandering around in the upstairs hallway. Naked. Ok, she had a towel, but was only drying her hair with it. I was so

I was riding my big wheel through a hotel my dad was looking after during off season(so he could write a book) and i came up to a room, where i shit you not, some guy in a dog suit was giving head to another guy. they both became aware of my presence and i fled. this was the 80s, before furries, mind you.

When I was 7 or 8 the stairs in our house had a turning to the upstairs landing, and this structure made a perfect ‘poop’ for my little brother and I to play Pirate Ship.

I’m 14 in 2002. Back then everyone in the family shared a PC. No individual smart phones, tablets, or laptops like kids nowadays get to have. So we shared time on the computer between me, my sister and my dad.

My wife and I were staying with my in-laws while we were house shopping. One morning, I was getting ready to take a shower in their almost never used guest bathroom. When I grabbed a towel off the shelf, a pharmacy bag came tumbling down, spilling its contents onto the floor.

People seriously have to stop swiping when somebody shows you a pic on their phone. You have a single view license of that particular photo unless you want to see a pic of somebody’s butthole.

I worked in sales for a software company, and part of my job was doing installations of drivers and stuff. I had a customer who I had gotten to know pretty well, and his wife on a nodding basis. They were a good-looking couple in their 40s and I in my 20s. The customer had asked me to come re-install something, and

I don’t look at other people’s tech without prefacing my perusal with a half-joke: “Sooo...there’s nothing on here that’s gonna gross me out?” or “You closed all your porn tabs, right?” or words to that effect.