You said ‘for such reasonable elitism.’ What was being discussed was coastal elitism. If you wanted to change the subject, you were very unclear.
You said ‘for such reasonable elitism.’ What was being discussed was coastal elitism. If you wanted to change the subject, you were very unclear.
I can’t give an opinion about real Montessori schools because the one I went to had a mentally and occasionally physically abusive, bigoted teacher who tormented me for six years, in part because I was Jewish.
Or maybe I just forgot about them. Was it the year that crazy psychic guy predicted an earthquake would level Indiana? Because I sort of do vaguely remember the school system taking him vaguely seriously and holding an earthquake drill once...
It doesn’t even work that well in the one-room schoolhouse type of situation (or in the case of my private elementary school, two rooms). It’s still pandemonium because you have groups of kids at vastly different developmental levels all crammed into a room together with one or maybe two teachers. Concentrating on…
No. Coastal elitism is, in essence, a racism.
Having read your many other posts including the ones in this thread, I don’t believe that’s an emotion you are capable of feeling for anyone but yourself.
I wouldn’t be remotely surprised if they did.
I grew up in Indiana in the 80s and we didn’t do that. So I guess it depended where in the midwest.
They showed Old Yeller to a whole ton of kids in a school? That’s some sort of human rights violation for sure.
Weird and useless. They opened the curtains maybe three times a year and even then there was no point because it was to show movies to the entire ‘block’ of classes on three different synced TVs since you still had to have one per class or kids couldn’t see.
My dad was a professor and the stairwells in the building his office and classes were in had signs up on every floor saying that it was a fallout shelter.
Ha. I went to a middle school like that, with the heavy curtains. And yet it looks like a prison on the outside.
I’m pretty sure it’s called The Rurrah Jurrah.
Funny. I grew up in between, in the 80s, so we only did fire and tornado drills because we all assumed Ronnie was going to blow up the planet any day now anyway, so why bother drilling for that one?
Well you can claim that proves it, but what it actually proves is that I have no interest in “getting it” when “it” comes from someone who is rude to me all the time.
My mother has told me about having to do ‘duck and cover’ drills before. She said she was terrified. She had teachers telling her things like, “when the communists invade, they’re going to throw all the children into ovens.” What the fuck, 1950s?
That was a nuclear war drill. I don’t think they still had people get under their desks in the mid-late 90s, especially since the USSR was gone anyway.
Right, forgot about the ‘legal guardianship’ bullshit he pulled. Such a sick piece of shit. But super-Christian Mike Huckabee just loves him.
She already knows that if ANYONE touches her in a way she doesn’t want them to, she is to tell us immediately regardless of who they are. Cops aren’t somehow special when it comes to rape or child abuse. That could come from anywhere.
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