Flying Squid (Today is my last day on Kinja. Bye.)

Tyrell has not exactly been a fan of subtlety.

They aren’t digitizing them because they don’t trust electronic records anymore. All the records they have left are paper and they are storing them in the building.

It’s very much in the same vein as Fight Club but I don’t think it actually steps on any toes there.

Leave me out of this.

“I’m sorry I accused you of failing your daughter, that was inappropriate” was nowhere in that post. I don’t really feel obliged to read anything more from you. Goodbye.

Yeah, you can see what kind of influence I have around here. It’s mostly of the “fuck off and die” variety.

I think I was very clearly led into admitting that and not bragging about it.

Sorry, considering the level of ‘ribbing’ I’m getting from others, it’s hard to tell at the moment.

Of course we’ve talked all about how she needs to let us know no matter what if people touch her where she doesn’t want to be touched no matter who they are, even if they are teachers or police or whatever.

I hear you, this is the bible belt. Back in the 90s, when I was in my teens and had a shit car and didn’t care, I had a bumper sticker with a Darwin fish on it that said, “you keep believing, we’ll keep evolving.” Some genius tried to tear it off, but only got the white space. I felt it proved my point adequately.

See? That’s what breaks my heart! You shouldn’t have to explain to any child something like that. Let them have their innocence for a few years for fuck’s sake, they’re small children!

As I have already told someone else here, I have absolutely no power to do anything in any fight. I am disabled and bedridden much of the time. Unless you want me to start calling random phone numbers and talking to whoever answers about police violence, there’s not much I can do.

No, I talk to my child about racism. I don’t talk to her about police beating people as much as some people here seem to want me to do along with visual aids.

You do know there’s a vast developmental difference between the ages of six and seven, right?

I talk to her about racism, just not police brutality.

I used to work news camera for a local TV station meaning we covered a lot of car wrecks and you wouldn’t believe the number of people who decided to go out driving after a beer or twelve who had a CHOOSE LIFE bumper sticker or similar on their car. I tried to frame it well when I edited the news later.


All right, with that final insult, I think it’s time to dismiss your comments. Goodbye.

Save ‘em when they’re fetuses, fuck ‘em when they’re born. That’s the religious right’s secret mantra and this is the result.

Oh, good for you, you tell it to the ones in your family. How brave indeed.