My child the next day to the school police officers: You’re not my friend because you beat up black people.
My child the next day to the school police officers: You’re not my friend because you beat up black people.
I’ve got nothing better to do.
So basically, they don’t want the NBA to come back ever again.
In other words, you have no idea how to discuss such things with a six-year-old.
Okay, well if you want to believe I only pretend to have sympathy for people of color and their treatment by both police and general institutions in this nation as well as individuals, I suppose that’s your right to believe.
A lot of people are under the mistaken impression that I am not talking to my child about racism. I am. What I am not talking about to her yet is police brutality.
Then why aren’t you going up to cops and saying that?
So you’re saying I’m only pretending to have what I’m pretty sure is sympathy and not empathy?
Your comments are all going to be dismissed now.
I know it’s the case. Hence me saying so. But I guess you aren’t going to. Oh well.
I’m sorry, I’m not in on whatever ‘hip’ lingo you’re using in your two posts. Please translate it for a stupid person so I can understand what on Earth you’re talking about.
Thanks, I appreciate your comments.
I think a lot of people are harboring under the misunderstanding that I don’t teach her about racism. I teach her about racism. I just don’t think she’s ready to learn about police brutality yet.
When it is appropriate for her to understand an issue with this complexity, she will be taught about it. But she doesn’t understand the difference between ‘local region’ and ‘country’ right now since she keeps asking what country different towns we’ve driven to are in, so I’m not sure she’s ready to understand police…
Thank you very much for your comment. You said it all so much better than I ever could have.
Got it. You’re just a troll. Dismiss comments time.
Right, that’s my issue. It’s her age. She’s so young. She doesn’t even really have a good handle on what death is yet (it doesn’t help that I’m disabled with something non-lethal). She thinks a skinned knee means you have to go to the hospital because there’s blood. She’s not ready for complexities like police…
She’s in a class with 22 boys and 6 girls. Frankly, I hope she interrupts.
Sorry, not interested in having a pointless argument for the sake of Internet anger. Goodbye.