I’ve been using it on my phone since they put it up for public download two days ago and have had zero problems. Then again, I don’t spend my day searching for ‘butt’ on my phone.
I’ve been using it on my phone since they put it up for public download two days ago and have had zero problems. Then again, I don’t spend my day searching for ‘butt’ on my phone.
Just a quick newsflash? Your mom has seen dicks. Like, up close.
His lying goes way back. He helped cover up the My Lai massacre.
And grief. She lost people on 9/11 and lost more because of 9/11 thanks to congress taking so long to help the first responders.
Refusing to engage with people just because they harbor different beliefs, even abhorrent beliefs, from your own helps nothing.
Okay, you can go ahead and pretending suggesting an overweight if not obese man who admits he doesn’t exercise and eats a diet mainly consisting of fast food is unhealthy is fat shaming if you like.
And now I’m going to bed. For reals.
Years ago when I worked as a news videographer, I was shooting a high school football game from the sidelines when two high schoolers ran up and tackled me, knocking me backward and fracturing the end of my scapula*. You can hear me on tape as they pick me up saying, “I’m okay, I’m fine.”
But now you have pundits literally saying (I can’t remember where I saw a compilation of them recently- The Daily Show?) that they just expect the viewers to look it up for themselves. That’s their new go-to. They expect us to do the work. Like we have the time to do their jobs for them.
Sorry, I am not having a good evening. I was clearly reading too much into what you wrote. I need to go to bed.
Pretty sure you weren’t curious, pretty sure you just decided I said there were.
Why are you asking me? Am I Mr. Endlessly Perky Muscles Chris Evans? Probably a dog or a plate or a dead cockroach or something.
Looks like this 2004 Larry King interview might be where you got it from. He was only 4 years old at the time, so while that’s still kind of weird, it’s not as weird as if he still does it now at 10.
I mean if that’s true, it could mean he’s being kept so isolated that he pretty much only ever talks to his mother... poor kid.
In the video, Hank Green
W.C. Fields famously said, “if you can’t dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with bullshit,” and it’s something Trump and his campaign have taken to heart. They baffle with so much bullshit that journalists have just given up even bothering to fact check any of it... I’m not sure why. It’s not like they couldn’t…
I don’t think it is unreasonable to hold them to “a standard of transparency.”
The country also wasn’t brought to a standstill by the deaths of McKinley or FDR... arguably not the others either- but I didn’t want to get into that.
Facts still don’t change depending on who wins and election. If Trump wins, it means more people voted for him (or at least in the states that give him the electoral college advantage)...
Huffpo did a follow-up on her claims that her father provided paid maternity leave for his workers. Surprise! He doesn’t!