WHAT?! How can you claim BoogerFace2 is actually D.B. Cooper when I’m actually D. B. Coo-
WHAT?! How can you claim BoogerFace2 is actually D.B. Cooper when I’m actually D. B. Coo-
There’s this bizarre idea that’s been growing on the right recently that Bill Clinton is a serial rapist on par with Bill Cosby. I usually comes with a totally unsourced list of names. Reminds me of the 90s when Falwell was hawking Vince Foster murder conspiracy videos.
Oh, I’m not saying Ennis deserved it by any means, I’m just saying it strikes me as the sort of thing an angry father with means and opportunity would do.
I realize this is totally tinfoil hat, but a small part of me thinks that maybe Ennis Cosby’s death was a contract killing after someone’s father found out what Bill did to his daughter and decided he needed to find out what it was like to have a tragedy befall his own offspring.
There’s no way she was unaware that this has been going on for decades. She has stood by him the entire time. Either she has absolutely no problem with his raping women or he has some serious dirt on her to keep her mouth shut.