
An ellipsis isn't a grammatical device for a pause. It's a grammatical device to indicate an omission. Using it as a 'text pause' is poor form - always has been.

I would say that it took a lot more than six years to find these planets

No, that wasn't the point at all. The point was to use Sam's story to create an emotional hook with the player. There is nothing in that equation that says this can and must only be told in backstory.

His point is that this dumb kid is perpetuating the stereotype of reclusive & psychotic gamers. Maybe he's not one himself, but he deliberately unleashed this atrocity into the world, which could have NO other effect than to harm the reputation of the gaming community. Seems pretty "salient" to me.

"It is and it isn't bad as it sounds with NBA 2K14 though."

I love it when people lead with "to be fair.." and then launch into some absurd tirade that is completely one sided and not at all fair. "To be fair.." is the new "I'm not racist, but..."

God, Kotaku is the land of noobs. Have any of these high-school aged teenagers ever used the internet before? WHO could possibly fall for this kind of troll bait? Nothing more hilarious than seeing some tool write a 5 paragraph long screed defending civil liberties in response to an obvious troll.

this kind of self indulgent immaturity is exactly the type of thing that gives the media fodder to link video game violence to actual violence. leave it to a childish, spoiled brat "gamer" to cry foul at hokey (but entirely harmless) show of respect. if you don't like the idea, you can move along silently without

Only joke here is the xb1. A joke with no punch line.

OP fails spectacularly

You're a real man, joey - with real balls.

quick, post it again, I don't think enough people are paying attention to you!

Sounds like your OP was nonsense and you're furiously backpedaling now to try to justify a completely inane statement.

Sounds like your OP was nonsense and you're furiously backpedaling now to try to justify a completely inane statement.

this comment is garbage even after the pussy edit

Dozens of people? Lol. That's literally like 1/10,000th of the number of people currently playing the game. The frame-rate issue exists; just because you aren't experiencing it doesn't mean that it's not a problem.

it's been overused for years now. It hardly applies to this situation at all, but it's an easy way to get rated up so

general consensus is that you're wrong and this thread is a major fail on your part.

Of course it's well into production. Movies don't get made and released in 1-2 years.

The letter is "fully customizable," meaning that the perceived sexism is merely a template letter that's meant to be customized by the consumer. Nothing to see here, folks.