
Because of the "Sim City Disaster Watch" tag that Kotaku used to headline every article on the game, even up until months after the launch. They generated a lot of bad blood there.

Why would you assume that he doesn't know these things? Lol. It's a video of cool effects. It has nothing to do with not knowing something. And the fact that he posted this video sort of implies that he did "know" these things.

Aka you have no idea what you're talking about and somebody called you out, lol.

this game got universally panned by every reviewer on the internet. i think i'll pass.

No way in hell a single Titan is going to be able to push next gen @ 4k.

Reading comprehension is your friend. Or maybe you've posted this comment in the wrong article?

So what? Security costs liberty. That doesn't mean we should throw security out the window. Most people are comfortable giving up some liberty for security - that's not cowardice, it's society.

Good. Blubb about the loss of a free internet all you like, but seriously at some point you gotta ask yourself if what you're losing was worth having in the first place. I'd rather have a few more restrictions in place - that's the price we pay for a civilized society.

The epitome of cluelessness right here. "Hey guys,*I* had no problems logging in whatsoever so OBVIOUSLY NOTHING IS WRONG!!!1"

Don't kill it. For glasses wearers, it's absolutely realistic. And who'se to say your character isn't wearing glasses? It's first person, after all. A simple solution would be the ability to toggle lens flare on/off or even toggle intensity with a slider. More gfx options are always a good thing

This is a very cool feature but let's face it, it should be available to everyone. Collector's Editions have their place and should include cool bonuses, but a feature set this innovative and sophisticated should not be unavailable to 80%+ of the playerbase.

Perfect troll. This will have 198 responses by the end of tomorrow.

You're obviously not very well informed.

Well now I know how armor is forged, but this tells me jack-all about the actual game.

Well this is a whole lotta nothing.

He's just ignorant. Doesn't follow politics or world events. This is a video game forum, after all, so lets cut the kid some slack and assume that when he graduates high school and (hopefully) gets into college, he'll pick up some facts along the way :)

Since the only other option is v/o, give me subtitles please.

Cracked Red Eye Orbs. The End.

Stop being a miserable failure, lolz. If you're gonna game on PC, you need to understand how to use PCs. The end.

"Terrifying" is a strong word...