
It actually does have a cool origin imo. Bethlehem Steel had a blast furnace and steel plant there. Blast furnaces produce pig iron and LV being a steel town I think went and used pig iron for their name. You came up with a funny story but the name does reflect the local history.

I there was reporting after the election that McConnell basically threatened the white house after these meetings saying if they went public the Republicans would claim it was political interference by the WH. So Obama and co backed off.

Transports jackknife on winter roads all the time. With the trailer suddenly perpendicular to the road any cars on the same road surface are gonna be in dire straights to actually stop in time. And that’s assuming people don’t slam into them from behind even if they do stop.

8th amendment...

While he has found this statistical difference did he conclusively show the BHP statistic is statistically significant to the win/loss out come. Just looking at his table the correlation between wins and the BHP stat is loose at best. Just because the BHP stat is high in his most recent win doesn’t mean that it was

What I find hilarious, is that Mulvaney, actually had the gall to say that the military was severely underfunded under Obama. Obama kept military spending at the same levels that Bush had them POST IRAQ SURGE. So despite not fighting two wars anymore Obama kept the spending right where it was. Now Trump’s budget

Huh... So you are perfectly fine with the idea that schools don’t have to take your children’s nutrition and health into consideration when providing lunches? All so the grain lobby can get grain farmers extra sales or corn farmers can push more corn for corn syrup? Just look what French schools serve their kids

Honest question here but can you cite examples of how the far-left is excusing Assad? Maybe I don’t immerse myself in enough far left politics (being a left of center, for a Canadian, guy) to have seen this.

You know how you should have known. Anderson Cooper doesn’t work for MSNBC Meet the Press....

To be fair, I think people are misappropriating that tweet. It followed after a Washington Post or New York Times (can’t remember which) report that Trump signed the executive order placing Bannon on the NSC without reading it or intending to place him on the council. The article suggested that Trump allowed Bannon

Its a good thing that this texture pack only takes up 0.055 TB then, or else you may not have downloaded it.

Nothing, so far they are nothing more than press releases restating campaign positions. The travel ban was the only one with any teeth. But Trump supporters eat it up so...

But it is reminiscent of Nazi Germany and the personality cult that was formed around Adolf Hitler, especially within the SS. The German flag was changed when the Nazi’s took power to further bind the national identity to Hitler and his party. Now one could argue that it is similar to any despotic or dictatorial

But you are trying to say that their brand of crazy, despite conforming to an ideology, is not terrorism? Terrorism can only be organized and via a group?

So you want to narrow the definition of terrorism to make sure it doesn’t include people who specifically went out and did harm in the name of a cause? That’s some serious head in the sand maneuvering.

I’m sorry but you are delusional if you think the FLQ are the most recent terror attacks. There have been multiple including the attacks on Parliament Hill and in Quebec where shooters attacked military and police members. My point however was that the data source fox news was using included incidents such as

Didn’t stop Fox News from using the headline that a Moroccan Immigrant was the perpetrator of the attack for something like 12 hours in as big a font as they could get. The updated story has been tucked in small font below the rest of the headlines ever since. No apology either from Fox News for slandering the poor

One of the worst is actually Henry Cuellar. He’s been the lone congressional democrat to vote with the republicans on everything. EVERYTHING. Plus his district when 19 points to Hillary. Fuck him.

3 People with hunting rifles could do this. The guns may not be illegal at all. We will have to wait and see. No point in speculating.

I’m sorry have I missed the last 50 years? Has there not been a steady march of social progress? It HAS been working. This little trumpian set back is temporary and a reaction to the progress that has been made. Especially in the last couple of years. I can’t imagine how bad the whitelash would have been if the