
Oh please, lets live in reality. Why are the dems rubber stamping? Because they know if they play ball on some nominees they can convince other repubs to vote against really bad ones. Like DeVos. We don’t live in a world of fucking absolutes. Just like all the idiots out there that complain Obama and Clinton

Last night on CNN the mayor of Miami-Dade said that this compliance was only for people who had been arrested and had the federal government ask to hold them for ICE. When asked about if non-criminal illegals had anything to worry about the mayor said (without a shred of irony) “we only arrest people who have

I find it hilarious that the WH floated today that a 20% tax on imports from mexico was a great idea. Hey whats a good idea? Make the american public pay for the wall TWICE! First through congress than through the extra costs we will force on them by increasing import costs. GENIUS!!

Funny thing being of course that the republicans complained to no end about Obama’s executive orders. Over the course of his presidency Obama signed about 1 EO every 10.6 days (This is a rate that was lower than Bush, Clinton BTW but don’t tell republicans that). Trump is at the astounding pace of 1 a day with no

So its an observation in what way? I kinda agree that the marches can in some way be seen as a bunch of white ladies patting each other on the back. But if your stat is to be taken at face value, why did the Latino women stay home?

I enjoy the idea of the multi-verse and many timeline hypothesis where each decision creates multiple branches of time.

Article 5 has been invoked ONCE in the history of NATO. By the US over 9/11 and Afghanistan. The US’s allies answered that call and got bogged down in a 13 year war in which 1136 non-american troops lost their lives and now Trump wants to threaten to not come to their aid.

The only thing left is for a brave soul at the IRS to leak them to the press.

Actually he is. In the news right now is a list of demands from the Trump transition team. Basically looking to gut Canadian export industry. Also the hilarious request to change the way trade disputes are handled as they believe that the US is unfairly burdened by the method currently in place. Despite the fact

I’ve never understood the American obsession with charter schools. They compartmentalize education. Good education becomes where you live and how much money you have. Conservatives see this as market forces providing good education. Meanwhile, in Finland, the yard stick by which every other developed nation

In the lead up to WWI the favorite line of most was that the global economy was far to intertwined to allow for any sort of large scale conflict. That Europe was so tightly knitted that even war on the continent couldn’t last too long as too many people would lose too much money. Then we proceeded to have two world

Thee question I have is was it really a move to get the lower cost pharmaceuticals or was it a move to tank the budget bill and try and delay the repeal of the ACA. Is this amendment providing a meaningful change or was it thrown together quickly and the Republicans jumped on the idea of preventing further reform by

I’m sorry but the onus is on both parties. I’ve accidentally, during vigorous sex, hit my wife in the perineum and once I poked her in the butt. However on other occasions she has shifted her hips mid stroke and out I pop and BAM! right in the kisser.

Because the children they will be having will provide the taxes that will support your childless ass when you are too old to do anything but live on social security.

No chronic disease is real and the person in the first post sounds like they have Crohn’s or UC. Something you definitely don’t want to have.

Incorrect. Corroborating DNA testing done in the 2000's showed a second independent set of DNA on her pants waist band matching the DNA from her underwear. Boulder Police have been fairly clear that they believe that it was not the family. The DA even apologized and cleared Patsy Ramsey. This whole thing by CBS is

Complaints about cash for access from Trump and the Republicans prior to the election with Hillary and the Clinton Foundation. Now we have his sons on the board of a company literally selling access to the president for cash. I wonder if they are biologically immune to shame and hypocrisy. Its the only way I can

Montreal’s Christmas tree says hi.

You know, I am all for informing people that Putin was involved and likely directly controlled the hack of the DNC and John Podesta (and maybe the RNC). But lets stop calling it the “election hack.” Everyone, including Obama, says there is zero evidence that Russia was attempted to or was capable of hacking voting

The question is, does the GOP controlled house and senate feel they have more or less to gain from impeaching him before the midterms. Call me cynical but if the GOP think they can reduce Dem turn out by impeaching Trump before the midterms they will. If they hold on to their majorities after 2018 than it becomes