
Trump doesn’t know shit. It’s his narcissism and compulsive lying that works for him and plays into what you’re saying. But he’s a fucking idiot that has learned how to grift at a high level but, by no means, understands it or cares to. He thinks everything is owed to him and he just hires everyone to make it happen.

They aren’t getting 18% more of my money, they’ll get 100% less. I dont care if they put their game on other platforms, the moment they rip their game off Steam and crap on their consumer base means I wont be purchasing from them anymore. If I want to support them on Epic, thats my choice. They dont get to force me

The whole bullshit of Valve’s cut is really over the top. When you consider how much developers are making off their digital sales now and the majority of them no longer needing to produce physical products that completely negates the entire point of complaining about Valve’s cut in all of this. 20 years ago

Less features, leaving existing friend networks behind, less price competition from authorized key resellers. You might not care about these things, but many people do, and again - no benefit to the consumer, trickle down economics aside.

That sounds like trickle down economics stuff, which has historically be pretty useless.

Less features, leaving existing friend networks behind, less price competition from authorized key resellers.

I mean, there’s a ton of stuff. Account security. More launchers. Existing friend networks. Feature set. Price competition from authorized key resellers.

Every argument I seem to see for EGS either a)says that since that person doesn’t care about those things, no one else does or can; b)has vague promises about

How....are there only four female characters in this? H o w?

I don’t understand why we keep seeing these games based on anime/manga that go out of their way to make their graphics not look like the source material. They started doing this with the DBZ games last gen and it always looked terrible.

The game just looks so damn ugly.

I feel like the early sections of A:I are the closest I’ve ever been to feeling like prey being hunted by a large predator, and in that respect it’s viscerally terrifying far beyond what jump scares games provide.

This pretty much sums it up.

Games are a business, just like every other commercial product out there. In the end, the bottom line is profit (and pleasing the shareholders); if a company can make a product for less money while bringing more in, the profit margin increases, shareholders are happier, and the business

The value of Black resistance does not depend on its proximity to respectable #FFFFFF standards. Repeat that as many times as necessary.

The people of Ayiti murdered every single #FFFFFF person left on the island during the revolution, including allies sympathetic to their cause. Does that invalidate their struggle?

Yep. I do that just about all the time now.

I’m not mythologizing a single thing. Turner’s rebellion still forced the country to reckon with its history regarding traditional views of Slavery and the fact that it made it harder doesn’t invalidate Turner’s choices at a time when the worth of Black folks was already being discarded wholesale prior. He had a right

Turner’s rebellion was a profoundly spiritual one. It wasn’t solely about a physical battle, but unveiling the horrors of Slavery in a climate hell-bent on portraying it as something idyllic no matter the personal cost. He likened it to the very “Serpent” of Biblical literature in that its burden transcended the

Nat Turner’s real issue was that he wasn’t able to vet the sellouts who dimed him out to the white oppressors. He should have added them to his victims

Intersectionality is BS if it includes white people. White people have a massive wealth and power advantage over all people of color and until that is dealt with, there can be no real intersectionality. White people use this tactic to try and deflect criticism from the fact that they seek to make every conversation

I’m not sure “Except its not” is an argument for anything. Its the intellectual equivalent of “nuh uh”.

Its the same point as Miki’s speech where she is being called a “slut” as she argues for peace (and eventually is lynched):

Peace and doing what is right is an inherent good one should strive for for its own sake. It won’t always be rewarded. It may very well end up with you dying a martyr and example of what a better