Why not is a much better question
Always used the stock wheels on my ‘97 GTI, from when the car was 6 months old right to the turn of the century. Something to be said for OEM quality I guess.
Excellent, calm and factual summary towards the end. I’d like to know how this went further down the road? Is the wheel manufacturer at all liable for what happened? How do good old steel wheels react to track day stress like that?
Rotary forged/flow forged/(some marketing tech term) forged will never be better than true monoblock forging like Volks. You want the material to flow into a uniform finished product on high stress areas. Near the hub, where it failed is a high stress area due to the moment arm, which is radius of the tire multiplied…
Gonna be a rough day at Forgestar. I see they’re giving free replacements and helping to pay for repairs, but it’s going to take some strong PR to overcome this video. I wouldn’t buy those wheels if they're in the ballpark of other forged wheels.
Well in the world of engineering design, we can make anything live as long as you want it to. Now, how much should it weigh?
I see alot of comments rag’n this “bro dude” he at least he was on a track not in the streets and had a lil fun of a bad situation. Kudos to u bud
+1, there’s a lot of irony in Forgestar’s name as none of their products are actually produced via a real forging process. Their marketing wank goes on and on about “rotary forging”, but it’s all complete horse-shit. They make high-pressure castings just like every other middle-of-the-road wheel maker.
Get it right - it’s “Wagens und Würste”…
I still think you should see a gastroenterologist, not a naturopath for this. I mean, do what you think is best, but it’s a job for a specialist. And bear in mind, some herbs can aggravate reflux, just like some foods can. I honestly would not trust a naturopath at all, to be honest.
1. TUMS cause hypercalcemia, and not rarely and you DEFINITELY don’t need to overdo it.
Ginger has evidence from randomized controlled trials that it helps nausea, especially during pregnancy. There is no evidence that it does anything for reflux. Peppermint, my sadly misinformed friend, is one of two known foods that WORSEN reflux - the other being onions. Where do you get this info from?
Incidentally, he doesn’t need to be overweight, or allergic to anything (allergies and reflux are completely unassociated phenomena, in fact you can argue the opposite if there is allergic esophagitis) - many many many people with unexplained reflux simply have a higher nociceptive neuronal firing rate or amplitude…
They don’t cause bone loss. That paper, a peptic ulcer/NSAID spinoff study in JAMA (Journal of the American Medical Association) from 2007, made waves for suggesting T/Z scores (osteoporosis indices) were lower in proton pump inhibitor group, suggesting accelerated bone loss. It took L. Targownik, a rising star who…
I had a Dodge that I’m sure would make your S4 seem like a reliable durable piece of machine. How many tow trucks did you require in 10,000 miles?
Naturopaths shouldn’t be allowed to treat anyone no matter what their age.