
Between is normally used when comparing elements of a list or from an indeterminate group. Using the singular difference makes the comparison between (heh) any two arbitrary elements. No one (at least in the U.S.) ever says, “The difference among....” It could be argued that the headline should have been, “The

Lotteries are legal in most states, but winning one is so unlikely, they’re effectively a tax on people who are bad at math.”

People who spout the “tax on the stupid” are usually not bright enough to come up with their own arguments.

I’ve always hated the idea of the lottery being a “tax on people who are bad at math/poor/gambling addicts/etc.,” because it implies that most people playing the lottery are dumb or think it’s an investment strategy. Of course it attracts irresponsible actors, but so does every from of gambling. But I would wager that

I am surprised that “Passive Aggressive” wasn’t mentioned. For every time I see it used right, I bet it’s used 500 times wrong. Usually referring to someone that is sometimes aggressive and sometimes passive, as opposed to the correct reference as someone that is indirectly resisting or undermining a situation.

My Sis-in-law is diagnosed OCD and it’s very frustrating for her when people post, “I just like things to look neat I’m so OCD lol.”

No, you’re just projecting

Older generations made Disco Duck a hit, there’s plenty of stupid to go around.

Ok, I’ve got to ask where you are shopping at. Average steak price near me is $20 for a pair of sirloins. If you can pull off $50 a week per person or less drop us a menu and how to. I am all ears. Also this is not sarcasm or being asinine. I’m genuinely curious.  

I love Trevor Noah and yet even I sometimes wonder how is he not facing any questions about impersonating/imitating different accents from different cultures not his own. Is it because he’s not American, or not a woman, or both? Or is it because he does it from a good place and with love for the cultures he’s

What free crossword is better than the nytimes crossword?

YMMV but to me, NYT Games is worth every penny of $40/yr. just for Crossword and Spelling Bee. I know that I get more play time and enjoyment from it than almost any AAA title at $60/pop. Wordle is just gravy.

The Love Guru must have been #31.

I wish Disney cared to pay me to plug Home Alone. Instead, I pay them $7 a month to have access to it at all hours of the day, in case a Home Alone emergency arises.



a bit too generous but not entirely flawed.  Just so long as you don’t take it the other way, because if it’s ‘too hot for you’, it is well past “too hot” for your dog. 

An Atheist myself, I am uncomfortable by how other Atheists try to prosthelytize believers. Just as I have no interest in having anybody try to convince me that their church is the only way, I don’t feel like I have anything to gain in telling others that they should wisen up and not believe like me. I know enough

Anybody got a 5 1/4" floppy reader i can borrow? ;)

Anyone else confused by a Drow reppin’ Green and White?  Ummmm... black anyone?