
Thoughtful reflection is not pearl-clutching. Discussion of racism is not pearl-clutching.

Tilda is going to have a problem if she can only play her own kind. Now that David Bowie is gone she is the last of the Serpentoids.

I don’t think this is just pearl clutching. When it comes down to it, the arguments against whitewashing are ultimately about people being allowed to work and I think that’s something worth fighting for.

The sexism is only part of it.

As the first paragraph of the article clearly points out, the problem is with using negative labels on impressionable children.

I don’t think the point was that you can’t use the word privately to describe kids. By all means, speak accurately to other adults when the kids can’t hear.

The point that I got was that it’s not good to label kids so that it turns into a self fulfilling prophecy. It’s common for a little kid to do something bossy, and

You’re not the boss of me!

You’re making bad faith arguments and I’m not sure if it’s just because you’ve heard them so many times in your echo chamber you can’t help but to repeat them, or if you’re aware they’re bullshit and are just trying to stir the pot. In either case, you’re making strawman arguments. Nobody has said white people don’t

It's clear you're not looking for answers in earnest, but the reason it's inadvisable for white folks to talk critically about black hair is the long history of discrimination based on hair styles and textures. White people don't have the same challenges, that should be pretty obvious.

See did it again. I admitted that in my response to you. Anyways thanks for proving my point.

There are some academic contexts in which the passive voice is even preferred—science writing

Spacey targeted underage boys, but otherwise your point stands.

It’s a consequence of the mediums changing.

Star Trek and Holmes were cases of fan letters. They were between the fans and the creator.

ZSJL was social media blasted which meant
a) a lot more people who otherwise wouldn’t be involved were seeing it
b) the jackasses in the group were a LOT more prominent as a result

Exactly. That’s why Iron Man the comic only had only 10 issues.

He saw that verdict. He saw that tweet.

Ray Fisher wants to make it really clear that he NEVER wants to work again, doesn’t he?

I just dropped my kid off at preschool. Came back home. Step 1: Read Gizmodo. Step 2: start making breakfast. And it will get downhill from there.

How much of this attractiveness is mitigated by “he would make Queen of England if I married him?”

Hi! I’d like to know where to report an error: it seems that a Lifehacker article got posted to AV Club

He may be concerned about his insurance premiums rising a bit

Ozzy never has this problem since nobody can tell what the fuck he’s saying.