Like I said, I spent less than 5 minutes on all three combined. In my quick scroll I saw only men and boys celebrated. I looked again, and saw that I was wrong, it was only 80% men and boys, with occasional women or unspecified strangers.
Like I said, I spent less than 5 minutes on all three combined. In my quick scroll I saw only men and boys celebrated. I looked again, and saw that I was wrong, it was only 80% men and boys, with occasional women or unspecified strangers.
Oh right, you set up a perfect triangulation of videos that look neat, feel good stories about boys and men (I don’t even want to know what that’s about), and in-depth D&D discussions as your sterling and unquestionable model for internet discourse across the board that cannot possibly merit any further discussion.
Jokes are hard, but keep working and I’m confident you’ll get one some day!
Since you keep dodging it and pretending like it’s not there, I’ll just copy and paste:
Citing a specific example isn’t conclusive proof, it’s the basic first step to supporting an argument, which it took you more than a week to even accomplish. You don’t get an A for finding a single source that seems to support your claim (although if you dropped out in 7th grade, that may be your understanding); it…
The ratio of money to potential danger is just too low. Most games only have one or two players diving off into the crowd which aren’t really that dangerous compared with a 95 mph foul ball or hockey puck. Comparing that with selling a couple hundred seats at a several hundred or a couple thousand bucks a piece.
Holy crap you actually produced something. I’m so shocked I’ll ignore your whining that I was an asshole by daring to question your genius, which you only bothered to remotely support after more than a week of ego-coddling. If that’s what it takes for you to produce anything I can’t imagine how you’re employed. And the…
There are over a million subreddits, and you think “several subreddits” is a citation? The dodging is just getting more and more brazen. If you still, after more than a week, can’t cite a single specific example of the system that you say works well, I’ll just assume that you’re admitting defeat.
Running stop signs is bad enough, but running red lights is worse and just as common. I finally honked at one who, at a red light, rode up past all the cars in line, ran the light and pulled directly into the middle of the lane in front of all the cars that actually followed the law.
Still dodging? Still no citation? If you can’t produce a single example of a well-moderated space, I can only assume you’re conceding and too proud to admit it. It’s a shame, I was sure that this would be the easiest part of your wildly unsupported argument, but you’ve proven that you’re either too lazy or too wrong…
This is really an extraordinary dodge. I’ve asked more than a dozen times for a single example of a place that’s doing things right and you still can’t produce anything specific. I’ve seen some very small subreddits that are well-moderated where trolls and hate are dealt with decently, but disrespect is still rife and…
Several subreddits I follow have active moderation that works very well.
That’s fair. Dumpster it is, then!
I don’t get why you keep harping on variety of responses. I get that you can’t really defend the breadth of your original claim so you’ve redefined “response” to suit that. It’s a smart move if your only goal is to feel smart.
Don’t forget about the Smith Machine. Since no one should use a Smith Machine for squats and it’s too big to fit in the average dumpster, using it for unspotted 1RM bench press is probably its only real use.
I scanned back looking for some of that evidence, all I found was whining about strawmen and idiot liars. Care to refresh my memory? Remember (I know this is hard for you), that your claim to defend is “always respond,” not “kinda generally respond but more than Twitter.” Also, remember that evidence generally…
I’ve given you a variety of examples of people saying that we need better tools to respond to attacks.
Again, you’ve conflated choosing your battles with never doing anything. You can’t find a single smart person in the field that agrees with you that every act of disrespect needs a response, and there are many smart people in the field that agree with Drew, that you ignore some disrespect because responding just…
Who said walk away from a lit fire? Any person who has spent time camping has let a fire burn out by making sure there’s nowhere for it to go and supervising it to the end, if you want to belabor this analogy further. Silence doesn’t have to mean you walk away, you just don’t feed it.