
Another dodge, and maybe your worst yet. I get the difference between passive and active moderation, though any definition would be pretty arbitrary and be solely based on proving your previous point. I’ve seen enough creative definitions and retrofitting the English language in this thread already.

What’s a site where moderators actively respond to every bad post and don’t do any deletion, banning, or flagging?

Holy crap a real answer and a real idea that’s not nitpicking or a redefinition of basic words or and insult. Too bad it’s still pretty dumb when you think about it. It’d really be better for Drew (or anyone for that matter) to be scrolling through comments and responding, no matter how simply and dismissively, to

Dodge dodge dodge. You’re still afraid to answer the question, and still have to grasp at straws to avoid it.

I can’t tell if that’s another dodge or another failure at reading comprehension. I didn’t say all disagreement was disrespect (who’s building a strawman now?), though your disagreement was plenty disrespectful. Try responding to someone’s earnest statement of belief with “Nope.” and see how respected they feel. Like

Dodge dodge dodge and then insult to cover. People disrespect Drew online every day in a public forum. Does he mutely accept their disrespect by not responding (your point)? Or does he come out better for not engaging (mine and Drews’s)? That was my first criticism of your dumb post, and the one you’ve kept dodging

Again, you love to point out the easy edge cases to avoid dealing with the content of your original criticism. Things don’t have to be false personal attacks to fall under Drew’s or your original statement. Drew didn’t respond to your original pointed rejection (“Nope.”) of a part of one of his central claims; does

So your original point is either uselessly narrow or indefensibly broad.. It looks like you’re retrofitting it to the uselessly narrow with the narrowest imaginable definition of “always. Smart move. Triviality is safe and comforting.

You can tell yourself whatever you want about what you said. You duck and dodge and deflect, and you still haven’t defended your original dumb and wrong point. Until then, it’s just smoke and mirrors and cover for a small, angry, insecure person.

I guess you conveniently forgot your prior post. Now who’s lying by omission?

I see the difference, but that’s not what “always” means. I like how you conveniently left that out of your example!

Got it. “Always” to you means “only in isolated situations that suit me.” It’s only mute acceptance when you’re directly addressed, but if it’s widely broadcast, it’s totally fine to ignore bad and wrong ideas. The Danes (example from your other thread) were only responsible to resist Nazis when they were being

Who’s butthurt? I welcome your dumb nitpicking on my dumb statement! 

According to your own statement, silence is currently always mute acceptance. That means that being silent in the face of people being wrong or trolls is acceptance of their statements. That means that any time you don’t respond to people being wrong or terrible (including the thousands of wrong and terrible people on

He read the whole thing, found one point he didn’t like and made a dumb statement about it. I challenged that statement because I agreed with Drew’s take, this guy doubled down, and here we are 10000 words later. I’m glad you’re enjoying (or at least following) the dumb show!

Are you joking? You really can’t parse your own sentence? I knew you were knee deep in self-righteousness, but I didn’t realize that you were actually only marginally proficient in English. I’ll break it down with a simpler example. I don’t have a great way to include a diagram, but please let me know if one would

So are you saying that society has embraced the need for active consent? I thought I was doing you a favor by taking it out of that conditional, but now I guess the burden is on you to prove that that has happened so that your use of “always” doesn’t hold any longer. I can’t wait to see that one! This will be

No, the real irony is that you claimed that this quotesilence will always be seen as mute acceptance” is somehow not absolutist. Apparently, when you said “always,” you meant “occasionally but definitely not always please don’t hold me to my actual words please you’re the dumb one not me I hope you’re sterile.” Is

With that attitude, you must spend every waking hour arguing with trolls online. There are more than enough in Kinja alone to occupy you 24/7. Anything less would be mute acceptance, right? You’ve got me feeling bad because sometimes I sleep or work or take showers, but I guess I’m really just giving aid and comfort