
I think the glass window with lightbulb underneath qualifies as "crazy ass" where I come from.

And don't we all wish Fukushima had those. (Working ones, anyway.)

They just need to use a spinny wheel like those dishwasher thingys.

Reposting an important suggestion from below:

This post is not about the issue of family control and the role of women. That problematic issue has been discussed in many, many different venues for a long time now. This is Gizmodo suggesting that a certain group of Jews are "religious extremists" who want to "ban the internet." That is completely misleading and

This article is not about Israel, where the issues concerning law and religion are very complicated. This is about trying to protect familites and culture from a rather invasive form of media.

I take issue with your offensive headline. Nothing in the article suggests these people want to deprive YOU of access to the Internet. They are looking for ways to limit its intrusion in their homes and lives, because the content is disruptive to their religious practices and values. These groups also have

To be fair, we got to the moon pretty quickly also once we determines to do that.

Should have memorized that opening line a little better. Ack.

I still don't understand why people are so uptight about washing hands after urinating, but give not a moment's thought to what's happening when you engage in oral sex at the end of your day.

"Verizon sold a product, and through no fault of its customers—most of whom aren't even abusing it—it is now calling takebacks."

The problem is that doing this will surely result in obstruction of justice charges, which may end up being more of a problem than the underlying charges, whatever they might be.

Couldn't they retreive the deleted data using forensic techniques? I thought the data sits there, in unallocated space, until overwritten?

Someone tell these idiots about They can get tons of cable for a few dollars.

Ok, smartypants, so why haven't the terrorists just used a bunch of laptops already?

I think a bicycle that's on a public roadway is subject to all the same rules of the road as a car. Including stopping at red lights, signaling (with your hands) and, yes, texting. That's why your ticket stuck.

And no one can compete with Microsoft when it comes to Internet browsers, right? At least, you would have said that not too many years ago. In fact, there was a huge antitrust lawsuit about browser dominance.

I think the traffic data can be leased from the providers. It is not exclusive to Google.

I think there is a Gizmodo comment rule against this kind of "joke."

HEY EVERYONE: The Federal statute had the same problem with "possession." So they amended it in 2008 to capture the conduct that we all agree should be captured. It uses the phrase "knowingly accesses with intent to view."