
You know as well as I do that isn’t true. Several of these “people” represent districts that have actively voted against their own interests for years. This won’t change a god damned thing.

The shear audacity of this, and to celebrate after, is fucking disgusting.

I don’t know, I feel like we keep saying that about various Republicans and it keeps not being true.

The House of Representatives—including a congressman who supposedly represents me—celebrated after passing a bill that condemns to death thousands ore more people with treatable illnesses.

Maybe they sang it because they know those republicans just signed their pink slips. There’s no getting re elected after this.

Numerous reporters spotted carts of Bud Light being rolled into the Capitol in preparation for a GOP House celebration.

According to your republican congresscritter, you got GERD because you weren’t “leading a good life.”

This 100%. All they fucking care about is winning. They don’t even care what they win, as long as they win. Which is incredibly selfish and fucked up. Republican voters, please for the love of god wake the fuck up.

I got denied heath insurance before the ACA for a pre-existing condition called GERD. If you don’t know what GERD is, it is also called acid reflux or heart burn and treated using over the counter medicine.

My favorite part is how these are the same people who bitched for years about the ACA being rushed through Congress (it wasn’t) without bipartisan support (no fault of Obama’s), while they couldn’t even wait for a CBO estimate this time.

And they’ll continue to do so since people hate Congress but love their representative. Even in light of a massive kick to the nuts ovaries (lol I forgot the ladyfolk don’t need healthcare) like this.

I’d offer some platitudes about how the majority of us did not, in fact, vote for the Crook in Chief but that doesn’t even hold a lot of weight anymore. We’re completely fucked, the lot of us. I hope France’s shindig goes right, but I’m not holding out much hope.

I feel sorry for the american people. But you voted for those crooks.

Any way you slice it though, today November 8, 2016 marked a fucking gigantic biggest fucking giant step ever in the wrong direction for the American healthcare system mankind.

This American Life just did a very interesting episode outlining how Republicans went from the post-2012 “we can’t rely on 38% of Americans to get us elected”, to the current “fuck everyone but rich Caucasians.” It is worth a listen.

On the brightside, states that obtain waivers are likely to be overwhelmingly Republican, so when they lose coverage for essential benefits and have higher out of pocket costs and end up paying more for healthcare overall, they will rightly blame this new law and then overwhelmingly vote Republicans in to fix it.


“What do you mean I’ll lose my health coverage? I’m WHITE! I voted for Trump because he was supposed to go after the bad people!”

This country would be infinitely better if we deported all Republicans and replaced them with the immigrants they so tirelessly are working to keep out.

Part of me thinks- These policies put forth by the Republicans are bad for individual citizens BUT maybe this just needs to play out before people will see that and start voting for the good of their country, the good of their children and for their own good as well....