
Add a bit of passive aggressive in there and you would have something that's not too far from GLaDOS.

Until people can actually get their hands on the phone, we won't know for sure.

"This changes your olfactory senses. Again."

I have 3 approaches to this "leaked" slide:

I did some Googling and found out that Adam Savage is a "Mac guy, 100%".

I remember seeing this guy on television while I was holidaying in Asia.

I'm sure Apple had other reasons not to change the iPhone screen size (although that doesn't mean they won't do so in the future).

So in short: Marketing.

Why Apple? Why!!!

It must have been pretty hard for Tim Cook and the gang to sound upbeat and excited yesterday about the iPhone 4S when they knew Steve was not long for this world.

I'm Already looking forward to the iPhone 5/6 of 2012. By the laws of Apple that one HAS to be awesome. right???

You're asking about the Proximity sensor right? It turns off the screen during phone calls.

I suspect Apple will cram the A5 chip into the iPod touch (If it's announced at this event). Other than that, I don't think much will happen on the iPod front. do we know that isn't just the usual gathering of perverts/weirdos/men who go under there to have a look?

Fastest would be to just Google the name of the site/product/service, or one of the free url shorteners that you mentioned.

I'm not sure what to think here.

Although I slightly dislike Firefox for not implementing the APIs for Lion (three finger tap for dictionary, pinch to zoom, etc) I'm still using it simply because of AdBlock Plus. I tried the addon a while ago on Chrome and found it wasn't as effective to my liking.

In my opinion, Amazon is the only entity (so far) with the content on offer that can compete against what Apple has. All the other tablets (as far as I am aware, don't flame me if I'm wrong) didn't have the same content on offer as Amazon and Apple.

So I'm guessing this invitation is for the rumored iPad 3 that was due to come out near the end of the year right?