
I have chickens, and they eat little stones, I'm not sure if birds do the same.

No mention of price, probably means it's out of reach of us mere mortals.

For those who still don't believe this is different to the iPhone 4, (despite the blatantly obvious A5 chip) someone posted this in the Macrumors comments

While that pig may have survived for more than a month, I find it more amazing that the Galapagos Turtles of the Galapagos islands have been known to survive two years aboard ships without food or water, serving as the crews' food source

Pandas sure are smart.

In order to remove all of those I would imagine he would need "one hell of a bowel movement, he'll be lucky to have any bones left!"

iOS was specifically designed for the low powered hardware of the iPad, whereas Windows 8 is a full operating system with a shiny (and awesome) Metro overlay.

Why does the "twttr" logo look like fresh vomit?

As long as they are still selling phones and making money, they have the tools to pull themselves out of this quagmire, its just whether they have the ideas and are willing to turn these ideas into products.


What's wrong with just printing the recipe?

The problem as I see it is price (and economies of scale).

I suspect its not that they are struggling to stay in business, its just that because there are so many manufacturers of so many different forms of ultrabooks, that any individual model can never sell as good as the Macbook Air has, nor can any individual model receive as much attention as the Macbook Air has had.

Last time I checked, most people grasp their phone with their entire hand -covering up the back in the process- not just the base with two fingers as depicted in those photos.

Don't Apple's ads talk about "watching a newspaper, touching the stars" and all that marketing speak?

Mine are magnetic.

That was unexpected, now I need to find a bucket....

Evolutionary flop I hear you say?

The 5 fingered swipe across the screen for multitasking is pretty neat, however it doesn't provide any reference point to determine which app is next, and where the app you are currently viewing sits in the order of minimized apps.