
I cant understand why Microsoft would want to cram a fully fledged Operating System on a tablet device. Why cant they separate tablet OS from desktop OS like they did for Windows 7 and Windows Phone 7?

"In this blog we obey the laws of thermodynamics!"

Every time a rumor of Jobs' death pops up I think I'll just post this picture:

I'm afraid Valve has beaten you to this one.

I had this thought too when iOS 5 was announced, why on earth has Apple done nothing to improve the multitasking? (I may be wrong here and Apple has done something to improve it, but I can find no mention of multitasking on the iOS 5 features page)

Moving to that town and/or living in a Faraday cage would probably have a greater psychological effect similar to a placebo, than anything to do with the science of wireless signals and adverse affects on health.

New solution to gasoline station robberies!

Smart move, from the attacker's point of view.

The only way I can imagine the glowing Apple logo actually being implemented by Apple is if the engineers could find a way to allow the LCD screen back-light to somehow get pass all the iPhone circuitry and light up the Apple Logo, like they do on Macbooks.

I have an iPhone 4, I wouldn't do it. It seems to just scream out -especially at night- "Hey look here! I have a pretty iPhone 4 for you to steal!"

I can just imagine Farnsworth saying "Good News everyone! People spend more time on Facebook than on the toilet!"

Some people literally spend every waking moment on Facebook, and others spend 10 minutes a month. I guess it averages out.

The abstract says there appears to be an associated benefit, but:

Anywhere at all.

That is unless Apple pulls a "White iPhone 4" delay, in which case it will be "all future events are further than anticipated"

But the problem here is that most companies are using the iPad as a yardstick for comparison for making new tablets (due to its success).


"The human being is one of the most obnoxious pests in the US today, capable of decimating whole forests".

Smile trainer? It appears the Simpsons have already thought of it.

From a distance, won't it look like you're carrying part of someone's torso?