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    I changed my settings using an app called Secrets, not the terminal hack posted above. Perhaps Secrets doesn't change both properly.

    When I use CMD + Shift + 4 to select an area for screen capture, the file is saved as PNG. But when I use CMD + Shift + 3 for a fullscreen capture it is saved as a TIFF. Any idea why?

    CMD + Shift + 3 for a full screen shot.
    CMD + Shift + 4 to select the area you want to capture.
    Or launch the app Grab using Spotlight.

    Yup, that sounds like Philly. (I live in Philly)

    I usually upload to my server (FTP) if I'm transfering to just one person, but when I want to share a link for an extended time, I use Mega or BayFiles.

    Are you talking about the original Droid Razr specifically or another phone? If you're talking about the Razr, I might start the process right now!

    Lag. My OG Droid Razr lags so bad right now it is basically unusable. I'm running the latest Android OS that Verizon provided, so if my phone can't handle the latest version, they shouldn't have allowed me to update.

    Can you share the recipe once you've finished this? I would love to use it!

    How does one add their personal photographs to Google Maps?

    Other than the obvious CMD+C (copy), CMD+V (paste), and CMD+Z (undo), I'd have to say CMD+H (hide). Allows me to hide my windows so I have a clean desktop.

    iPhone only? Lame. I hate scaling up apps on my iPad.

    I got a good story...

    I know you can disable inline media previews in the Android app. Do they not give you this option on Twitter.com? I wouldn't know, I use Tweetdeck and like having inline media previews enabled.

    Java automatically installed first thing when I rebooted. Flash, I could care less, Chrome has Flash built in.

    You're clearly missing my point...

    Yes, awesome idea! I just added my email to the list.

    Yes, awesome idea! I just added my email to the list.

    I would love one. I have some invites to Simple bank as a way of saying thank you if you'd like one. FlyersPh9 (at) gmail (dot) com

    I would love one. I have an invite to Simple bank as a way of saying thank you if you'd like one. FlyersPh9 (at) gmail (dot) com

    I would love one. I have an invite to Simple bank as a way of saying thank you if you'd like one. FlyersPh9 (at) gmail (dot) com