
Oh I agree. Pedro Pascal is pitch perfect. I think the books do a better job of describing how much of a badass Oberyn is, but I think that Pedro just oozes bad ass with the way he walks around with such ease and confidence, like a panther.

Wow. That chops a TON off from that storyline in Storm. Given where we are with the Stannis storyline I find that very unlikely.

I think there is more to it than that. They have to establish Jon and Alliser as adversaries for the end game to play out properly. I still don't know how they are going to fit everything that happens at the wall in the remaining 3 episodes, given that the next episode is going to focus primarily on the trial by

I think it is possible that LS will be introduced in the first episode of next season.

Have to at least explain how he gets away with killing Lyssa given that there is no Marillion.

Wow. The VIper was one of my favorite characters in the books, despite only being in the books briefly. Probably the most upsetting non-Stark death for me in the books.

I think this scene helps to build Arya to where she is going.

Weren't you the one that brought it up?

A lot of Margaery's machinations were off-book since she was never a POV. We see most of her actions through the eyes of Cersei which are obviously biased.

I do respect that she said no. I didn't say she clearly consented. I said she clearly was responding to him. Whether that was a clear enough indication can certainly be argued but it seems obvious to me that the director felt it was and that he was trying to convey a consensual act by the end.

I think this is a very simplistic view of the situation. FTR, I'm not arguing that it was or was not rape. I am pointing out that there is ambiguity.

Except Cersei CLEARLY was responding to him romantically half way through the scene which was when she started saying "This isn't right" instead of "No" and "stop".

By refusing to show what rape does to survivors? In a world as brutal as Westeros you think it would be proper to have focus on the ramifications of rape on one character, a largely noxious character at that?

Seriously? Raping Cersei is worse than murdering his cousin so he could escape imprisonment?

My guess is that the mutineers/rapists are about meet the business of a white walker sword. IIRC, that would make the most sense to get it back to the books. The more evil they appear now, the more enjoyable that scene will be.

Wow. Well thank you for that dissertation on what is wrong with me. Very interesting. I don't think I have made a single attack against you. I have ridiculed, rather softly, your argument. But if you feel that I have been attacking you because I said something like "Clearly reading comprehension is not a strength

I can see reading comprehension is not a strength for you. That's cool. I didn't say you were a fan of Tolkein. I said that you seem to prefer the cut and dried good vs evil world of Tolkein. I didn't say you were a conservative. I said you were showing the intolerance of a conservative. I have no idea whether

I think you are loading a lot of content into what Graves said. He was trying to recreate a scene from the book. She objects initially to his advances and then goes all in. I think it was a difficult scene to portray as written in the book. He wasn't trying to make a statement about what consent is.

"But he is saying that Cersei consented, which is at most a bold-faced lie/deception and at least a completely confused and incorrect look at the facts of the situation. "