Flyboy is FAA certified insane

An honorable mention goes to what might be Putin’s biggest gamble yet, one that would pay double payout if he gets all numbers plus powerball so to speak:

I’ve been flying since I was 18 and I’ve always involved my kids. Flying airplanes is safe if you follow your training. Simply, don’t fly in unsafe conditions and don’t fly an unsafe aircraft.

Ten large for an actual, functioning airplane?

See this shit? This is why you’re Senior Editor, Torch. Bravo.

Well, they did switch the DP’s from Corvettes to Cadillac DPi’s, witch are mid-engine “top tier” race cars. So this will probably be a Buick.

My guess is AWD ... makes the most sense since they just announced the AWD Charger (base models) so why not make a Hellcat Version called the Demon.

I love the bored-sounding cheers from the crowd. They are so excited, so overwhelmed, that they have lapsed back into sounding tired.

Hysterical. Now liberals care about Executive power? Where were these morons when Barack Obama was waging war on Libya without ANY consultation of Congress much less congressional approval, something even George Bush sought and received for his ill-advised military adventures?

A mid-engine supercar with a 3.5l twin-turbo V6 and a top speed of about 217 mph?

That’s not a great reason to be a pilot because, as you’ll find out, you don’t get to go where Bob is going. You end up back where you started. Or somewhere 5 sectors downroute in Little Shitsville...

“Madame May, just how hard will your #Brexit be?”

Fake crowd noise dubbed in, because hardly anybody is there.

Maybe an IROC Hellcat series could work. It’s a car similar in ideology (& mullet potential) & would certainly make for some interesting racing head to head. If nothing else, a lot of tire smoke!

Andrew, this is one of the best articles I’ve read on Jalopnik. Excellent piece!

Honestly, these people are utter morons. There are so many good options out there in every car category and literally 15 seconds of googling and 1 second of visual assessment should have informed them these cars were garbage. The utter lack of critical thinking skills is astounding (see: President Trump). The end is

I don’t know how racist the OP is, but in this case, he’s not wrong. Germany denied his asylum request and there was a deportation order for him. Every contact he’s had with European authorities has shown he should not have been allowed in the EU in the first place. From the years he spent in Italian jail to having

You win.

2016: Autonomous brakes may have stopped terrorist attack.

This thing came first!