
I have never had an issue buying computers off ebay or craigslist. On ebay, I only buy from trusted sellers with good feedback. On craigslist finds, I have them show me it works. Even if I meet in a public place, I pick somewhere like a library that always has wifi and power outlets.

I did the same thing, bought a 1000HAB of Craigslist and didn't realize until later it was the watered down Best Buy version.

In my MBP I have a 128GB SSD and a 500GB HDD, the SSD is partitioned and has about 15GB free on both partitions, the HDD has 70GB free. My desktops both have over a terabyte of storage. One is a Mac Pro video editing machine so it's drives are mostly full, and the other is a Windows gaming tower and it has games and

I used to do this at work before we started using the Mac Resource Inspector to diagnose problems and deploy studio to image. I still have a stack of old SmartDisk Firelites with bootable copies of Tiger.

I don't remember the first time I used a computer since I was probably 4 or 5 at the time, but I do remember playing Rodent's Revenge and Chip's Challenge on my Windows 95 machine.

Don't forget to murder out the tail lights bro!

I would have to say my PowerBook G3 Lombard. It was just so sexy compared to all the windows lappys of the day. I think the last time I used it, I had a strategy guide for the first Halo open while I was going through the campaign on legendary on my PC.

Maybe the reason underweight people are more likely to die is that they actually move around and go places instead of just sitting in a chair getting fat.

Is the temperature OVER 9000?

I don't see why people seem to be such pussies about AC. Just open some windows and turn on a fan. The only reason I run the AC at home is so my computers don't melt. I like hot weather better than cold. At least when it's hot out I don't have to shovel snow or worry about sliding on a patch of ice.

6TB is not enough. WE NEED ALL THE PORN!

I don't see where this helps you at all. If you buy half a dozen "tops" you still have half a dozen to keep in a closet. Also if you only had one or two bottoms, you would just wear them out more often. The fact that they are ugly doesn't help either.

I used to use sennheiser In ear headphones, but I don't like wearing them. Now I only use them if I am riding my motorcycle long distances, for most other things I have My Audio Technica M50s. I really hate listening with headphones, I prefer to not have anything on my head or in my ears, but I can't take my home gear

True, but at least this way I don't have to see the speed 6 with the ugly big smile front end all the new mazdas have.

Uhh those aren't old bro

Can I get it with a wing delete?

Well the last road trip I went on was overall very fun but on the way down to Texas (from Kansas) and the way back both had some terrible experiences. On the way down, we just hit Oklahoma city and we had a tire go flat... Ok cool lets get over and change it. Nope. No jack, no wrench, and no adapter for the custom

I have a 2011 MBP with the original 500gb HD in place of the optical drive and a 128gb Crucial M4 where the original HD was. I don't know if the bandwidth issue is true, but I heard It may have trouble waking from sleep if the boot drive was in the optical bay. I use mine on battery and it seems to have pretty good

I would totally buy this if it were a more reasonable $500. I would then hacksaw off the mufflers and add a obnoxiously loud stereo. Then I could enjoy being a total ass and pissing off every person I could find. Inevitably you would find that one die hard fan that would think it's cool and at that point I would just

Or on their phone and run through Instagram.