
As I mentioned earlier, Amy's allergies are actually protected under the ADA. Legally, Captain Holt is required to make reasonable accommodations for her that allow her to do her work unimpeded; in fact, he would even have been able to ban the dog from the workplace under Title I of the ADA, which does not guarantee

Thanks, that was a really interesting (and slightly horrifying) article!
I'd also like to clarify for anyone else clicking through that this article is dealing specifically with customers of businesses (Title III), rather than employees in a workplace (Title I); an employee who uses a service animal can and should be

I'm not denying that Fraud Dogs exist (though I am denying that what is going on in the 9-9 is legal or acceptable from a HR standpoint). I'm saying that you can't know whether or not the animal is needed unless you know them personally, and the potential for harm is much greater than the potential for 'unmasking a

Hate to be a buzzkill about an otherwise amazing episode (when Damon Wayans Jr. showed up I literally cheered!), but the Fraud Dog thing really bothered me. People without highly visible disabilities (e.g. PTSD, epilepsy) often need service animals to help them function in day-to-day life, and one of the biggest