The staircase giveth and the staircase taketh away
The staircase giveth and the staircase taketh away
It’s almost like every time she takes two steps forward with the story we have to take two steps back.
I feel like if we went to Rich’s place, we’d see a bunch of newspaper clippings on a wall (likely in the cellar or garage), a dry-erase board with some sort of flow-chart, and a giant map with pushpins connected by yarn.
I’ll reply to myself. I try never to, but I’ll point out that my comment generated a “You May Like” pushed ad for “Affordable Alcohol Inpatient Rehab Centers.”
Oh yeah, I mean he’s a weirdo for many reasons. I think I remember back in the 90s or something... that maybe while they were filming “Far and Away” that either he had to stand on a box or she had to stand in a hole. That must have been incredibly distracting and guaranteed both of their ridiculously horrible Irish…
Looks, I’m a really short guy, so everyone I’ve ever dated has been taller than me. All my boyfriends have been much taller than, to the point that people did stare (while I usually get away with it thanks to my twink status, the time I briefly went out with a guy who was 6'4'’, people definitely, openly, made…
I am guessing that all of that comes from women right?
I think nothing when I see women with shorter men, and if I do think anything it is, “Yea for people not strictly following gender roles!” I would think that you and your family would acknowledge that it is hard for you to find a taller man since you are very tall yourself.
One time my cousin was living in France and the bank had put €100 notes in the €10 note slot of the cash machine so everyone in town was taking out money in €10 amounts then joining the back of the queue to do it again. The bank closed because all the staff were waiting their turn.
Oh that would be the dream. I’m hoping to visit an old friend in Berlin and currently trying to work out the best way of saying “Dude find me your hottest, coolest, singlest buddies and tell them to form an orderly queue for consideration."
Thank you for saying so. Trying to channel your badass-ery Flutterby
It doesn't come up now like it used to, but back in the day, when I saw a short man with a tall woman, it made me think that Nicole Kidman could do better.
Well, maybe take a bit of the money and take a trip....where you can have a summer fling away from nosy Nellies :)
There is absolutely nothing wrong with you guys. It’s everybody else that’s the real problem. Society has fed us these lies about what couples are “supposed” to be like. In reality, as long as all involved are happy it is a good relationship. Your mind has been fucked by society and you now have to do extra work to…
If there’s one thing that’s been getting me through the weeks recently it’s definitely been the latest Aunty Donna sketch series, especially as some have been eerily close to the shit I had to go through at school.
Back on Tinder for the first time in about a year because girl want to go out and have fun and maybe smush. I’ve had it for less than 24 hours and have been propositioned by a dude to use a strap-on on him. My face right now is very non-plussed.
Good God. I hope you got to marry a Victorian hottie out of this arrangement, at least!
If you step up to the mic and start by saying “This is more of a comment than a question,” the moderator should be able to drop one of those 16-ton ACME weights on you from the ceiling.
I’ve stopped going to any panels at cons and such because of this. I hate audience Q&A and seriously run the risk of being the asshole in the crowd yelling to ask your damn question or sit your ass down because no one cares about what a big fan you are. We’re all big fans, that’s why we’re here.
I saw Rebecca Traister speak once, and during the Q&A a man told her he was sick of feeling like he couldn’t hit on women on the bus anymore. I saw Ta-nehisi Coates speak once, and a dumb white college kid told him he thought Kendrick Lamar was “the first political rapper.” (Okay, that one was funny.) They both…