
Hollywood makes movies starring people who’s profiles are true to the time and circumstances of the story they reside in: Jezebel is angry about the lack of diversity in casting.

Yes, Macklemore is bad. Yes, he is probably only successful because he is white. Even accepting those premises, is there a case against him as a person? He may be trying his damned-est to be a decent artist and just not have what it takes. I would never fault a person for the advantages unfairly alotted to them as

Also I’m pretty sure nutritionists are backtracking on that whole ‘90s saturated fat crusade

Correct me if I’m wrong but if you’re white you most likely can digest milk properly? Besides, I love that shit

Frankly half the time I don’t even know which gender or race most books are authored by until after I’ve read them. In 2016 I vow to continue reading whatever the hell piques my interest—and if there happens to be a film, to watch that instead.

Not doin it. No way. My wife can keep her name but I’m keeping mine too.

Well which is it? Ironic and self deprecating or fishing for praise? Id just let this one go. There are already vast and strict legitimate restrictions on people’s language without foraying into the world of the completely arbitrary.

Preach! Going out of your way to hire people based on their race and gender alone: that’s equality!

This man’s sharing of his trivial problems: self-centered, ignorant and really all around oblivious.