Wait, I thought conservatives worshipped the market forces which have decreed that this piece of shit must be cancelled?
Wait, I thought conservatives worshipped the market forces which have decreed that this piece of shit must be cancelled?
that gif impregnated me
Trump’s in the Oval Office - your argument is invalid
Yeah, because he’s 53 and he’s not going to live until 106.
Ashley Judd calls Trump a ‘Hitler in these streets”
Gingrich also said, bafflingly, that there’s “a big Trump and a little Trump, and the little Trump is frankly pathetic.”
Unless the trailer involves graphic footage of a screaming Jeremy Clarkson being immolated after a high-speed collision it absolutely won’t be everything I want it to be.
Inarguably, Donald J. Trump is a closer.
The West Wing now has pumping rooms for nursing mothers and an impressive 12-week paid leave policy.
It’s true - Brock Turner really is a rapist.
Put your fedora back on and fuck off.
we got a regular dirty harry here
THIS JUST IN: memes can’t be racist, news at 11
Hey, thanks for the racism! You’re the BEST
Production funding was provided by Honey Nut Cheerios.
he’s only making movies with friends now, in “loving, familial environments.”
Reports show it’s 88% of Egyptian Muslims favoring DEATH for anyone who leaves Islam. The majority of Muslims in many other places share the sentiment.
pretty disappointing that a place of learning can’t even properly spell the name of the wrestling legend it’s named after