
My college girlfriend constantly threatened to kill/harm herself and once she had me in such a paralyzing fear about that she turned it around on me (I'm a girl too, and you don't hear as much about lesbian domestic violence but it's a thing!) She had a huge collection of issues that should have sent me running and

See, that's how I feel (some comes are better than others) but my husband swears up and down that all orgasms feel exactly the same to him, none better none worse. Which blew my mind! He admits there are differences in the overall quality of the sesh (if he called it a "sesh" I'd gag) and how much he thinks about it

It's boring in that it doesn't have the drama of a scripted TV show but more interesting (to me at least) how things really are in prison.

I definitely think that Aleida's suggestion that because Sophia was born male therefore was stronger and more violent than the rest of the ciswomen was just something no one had any reason to consider before because Sophia was not aggressive in the least, did a very feminine job, etc. But once that little bit of info

Exactly, it's not that there's any proof he's never raped before but he's almost certainly never had this level of power over women before and did probably present as a Nice Guy. Also, until he took a terrible turn, I found him very attractive, I called him the poor man's Nick Miller from New Girl.

There's nothing wrong with it, it's just become trendy so people like to hate. I grew up liking it because it's eye catching and cream cheese frosting. And the flavor is just kind of "chocolate light" which if you're between wanting super chocolatey cake and yellow cake, it's a nice compromise.

While she isn't exceptionally gorgeous, she is white and blonde and thin and those things have a certain value, especially in prison where it isn't the norm…I think it's on purpose a comment on how white beauty standards hold a privileged position, or else they would cast Piper with a very traditionally beautiful

She is both very traditionally model gorgeous and butch, which isn't the most common combo. I've seen people harp on her whiteness as being part of the attention she gets but I'd say I see just as much "OMG so hot" stuff about Poussey (because OMG she really is so hot.) I think Flaca is hotter than Martiza but

That's a good call, I really liked Weeds, even when it was "bad" and I really liked this season even though lots of people are calling it bad. I like checking in with all these people I've grown to love and see what wacky/heartbreaking shit they're up to, I don't need much more than that!

I got all 4 of mine out at once a couple years ago, it really wasn't terrible except I had terrible pain in one place after I went back to work/couldn't take the really good painkillers anymore. When I went back to the dentist I was like "is this dry socket?" and they were like "no but we're going to treat it like it

For sure. I've had FWB relationships turn into Relationships (my husband, for example) and the reason it transitioned was because we realized we really like hanging out with each other no matter what we were doing. I don't see how these two think that just because they've been intimate and had good sex means they have

Oh yes, he really seemed just on the edge of suicide on that show. And maybe he was? I don't know where it lines up with his severe alcoholism. I remember thinking "oh I liked him on Singled Out!" but the show was just so depressing and somehow sub-5th Wheel, which is saying something.

I think you're right that he was worse on Singled Out but I was a tween then and in love with him whereas I have matured but he hasn't, really, in his delivery. I also just couldn't handle when I used to watch Walking Dead having it go to commercial after a tense scene and immediately have him screaming at me on the

I loved Cram, I would like to hear more about Cram. I always mentally strategized for that show even though there was really no chance I'd ever be on it, I like to sleep way too much! The first time I saw it I couldn't believe it was a real show, it seemed so crazy. Which is also how I feel about many of those

It allowed my 12 year old self to ogle a pre-yelling all the time Chris Hardwick and his glorious butt cut hairdo. I am happy for him that he's made a come back but I have no patience for his personality any more. I remember in his post-Singled Out pre-Nerdist days when he hosted a truly abysmal looking dating show

I'm just realizing I'm more of a Beatles ride or die chick than I thought. I clicked thinking "yes, let's take them down a peg, everything they did wasn't pure gold" but like maybe it was? If these are considered the bad songs, it's as if they made no bad songs.