
And even though she acts like an idiotic asshole, she’s still just a child, barely a teenager, just posturing a tough act to the world. Who knows what abuse and trauma happened in her fourteen years to now act so “tough”. And now she has to keep acting this way bc the adults in her life have elevated that behavior

This! The hatred directed toward this kid is sad. She needs actual therapy not the frap Dr. Phil peddles. And she needs to he surrounded by adults who are looking out for her and apparently she’said never had that as her mother is the one who brought her on that stupid show to begin with.

Said it before. This kid is fucked up and the adults around her are absolute monsters for trying to exploit that. This whole story makes me want to vomit.

Watch if he’s asked about the tapes. If he says he hasn’t seen it, he hasn’t seen it. If he says he can’t comment and that you should not read anything into his refusal to comment....read things into his refusal to comment.

Comey is amazing. He managed to get the word hookers off that dossier into public record by way of writing what Trump said to him. Brillz! He’s basically begging to be asked about it and legitimize it further.


Bless these witnesses. I went through a sexual harassment case with a prominent individual that I worked with / for, and it was hell. I can only imagine being in the spotlight on a national, rather than regional stage.

Um excuse me, third most anticipated twins of 2017. I am personally expecting a boy and a a girl in October.

I will die on this hill right here with you. Can I sit down?

Well of course that’s worse because it destroys a man, where actual sexual assault typically destroys a woman and I think we all know whose life is more valuable here.

“For some reason, this issue of smallpox has become a paramount issue for the Natives.” Colonist Pence, 1616

If you have to add a caveat to everything you say, there’s a high chance that what you said is bullshit. Also, what the fuck does “add saved $’s” mean? Add saved dollars? Add saved money?

As I have written before, my daughter died when she was five in 2011, two months after being diagnosed with an inoperable and malignant brain tumor. There is no cure for her type of tumor - DIPG - and current treatments do little more than extend life for a few months.

Check Snopes, next time. People left temporarily due to a blizzard (and a forced evacuation), and then returned to aid in cleanup. Pesky little facts.

Mediocre white males doing what mediocre white males do.

If Merkel ever lost her cool she would snap his neck in a swift stroke and then casually move on with her day.

Let’s not forget that the Muslim ban was supposed to be temporary - it was supposed to grant the White House 90 days to figure out how to improve the vetting process. That was just about 120 days ago.

I am having a hard time grappling with the whole “innocent until proven guilty” due process of law thing while simultaneously thinking “holy fuck this motherfucker is Scott Peterson levels of guilty.” The second thought gives me so much more glee.

Let’s also not ignore the weird sexualized creep factor here.

The Twitter around this has been really something. I saw tweets offering shelter as soon as I saw tweets about what had happened, and several children have been reunited with their families via twitter.