
2016 America: Where a 12-year old boy is shot and killed by the police for playing with a toy and it’s his fault because he should have “known” that people would see him as a threat, while a full-grown adult who rapes an unconscious woman and tries to flee should only have to endure a couple months of jail because

I cried.

Yes, but since then some of you realized that most of your founding fathers were slave owners and that most of your presidents were from privileged backgrounds, so, basically, all your revolution did was get rid of 0,1 percenters so 1 percenters could lord it over you instead. Then you got nostalgic.

I realize people can and do have their problems with Hillary, but this is why I love her and always will: she is well aware that her political fortunes would be better if she would just shut up about women wanting and needing things, *and she won’t do it.*

Jokes aside, I wonder if there’s a real sociological observation going on in here. America has looked like it’s on the precipice of revolution for a decade or more because of severe inequality. But that’s mostly affected minority populations. I wonder if there’s a sociological tenet that revolutions don’t actually

Men are revolting?

I don’t think we should insult people for carefully thought out opinion pieces that slightly differ from our own opinions. This is a complex issue.

I hear you can make your own vibrator using a potato, some wire, and a quarter.

wake up bae

Trump supporters are either so outwardly racist they’re fine with him being compared to Hitler or they’re inwardly racist and will accuse any critics of unfairly attacking him. But if you’re not a Trump supporter, this is fucking real. There’s no ‘maybe he won’t be so bad.’ He will be because he’s already told us.

I don’t think it’s even in bad taste. Putting the holocaust on some kind of “nothing will ever be that bad again” pedestal only serves to ensure that we won’t notice until after something is that bad again because all apt comparisons were considered to be “bad taste”.

You know, my first instinct was to think he was Godwining himself. But then you read things like this:

In my experience “no curves” generally just seemed to be referring to flat chested girls on the skinny side.

I think he sexually assaulted a child and I don’t think that’s right …

The number of people who have no fucks to give for Allen’s behaviour really amplifies the horror of his behaviour.

Seriously. Good for her.

can you imagine a world in which all of us decided to seek vengeance against our assailants full-time, movie style? especially considering many people have been assaulted more than once? we’d all be running around, not getting anything else done, amassing weapons or recruiting plucky best friends or whateverthefuck.

Off topic but those pics of Woody Allen flanked by KStew and Gossip Girl really made me ill this week.

So fucking weird. And with how much it’s not only a part of a girl or a woman’s story, but also depicted in the films and shows, there’s gotta be something they like about that. Men are raped too. Boys are molested too. Babies are molested. But it’s weird...people don’t want to watch a lot of movies with babies being