
That's awesome. One day at work a coworker with a Philly accent turned around and asked me out of the blue "Do you ever watch hardcore porn?"

Yes, I don't understand unrelated people "weighing in" like Stephen King. Viewing the situation very very generously, it's a complicated family household/court matter (as documented in the custody case) about which no one outside that sphere has ANY knowledge at all. Affection for Allen and his work isn't evidence.

I am so tired of reading these comments about white feminists vs black feminists over Beyonce's feminism. People just keep dragging that shit into every article and anticipating it, it's so petty and counterproductive. I really wish we'd work harder to break down these boundaries and remember that we're all supposed

I still don't know what a Shia LaBeouf is. Is it a kind of frozen dinner? A French farm implement? I am so confused!

Today is my 58th Birthday! I feel great! Can I get a Woot-Woot? Cool. Survived a lot of shit and got grey hair, but life is good. Rock On, Jezebels!

I thought we already won this fight!!

By this standard, we should have tested Michael Phelps for being human.

Completely. I also find myself thinking "what's that strange sensation? Is it the temporary alleviation of the sense that my body must be altered to fit an ideal?" Gee, wouldn't it be neat if the self-loathing of so many women could be reduced simply by depicting a diverse array of bodies?

I love this show (90% because of Mellie), but each episode seems like it has 75% of the same material. Olivia wears white, drinks wine. The snapping camera and looking-through-the-glass technique. The one that gets me the most is when one character says something completely out of context, like "42102." Another

Yes, tragically is the right characterization. They really need to get on developing his character. If anything, I must know about the development of his color/pattern coordination skills.

Oh, my gosh, this is absolutely the appropriate venue for such discussion! :P

I used to think they were ghosts too. But after certain experiences I think they're usually low-level astral entities impersonating human spirits. It's the easiest way to get attention and feed off human energy. The bathroom story sounded familiar as far as those encounters go. I think actual ghosts are quite rare.

Why am I reading these in a nearly abandoned museum? Why do I hate myself?

How exactly does one fill up one's mouth with one's voice and why does it sound so dirty?

"Project power by visualizing filling a fat arrow extending 10' out."

Hey Dude mention, represent!!!!

I absolutely fucking lost it at "hey dude spoilers". Sometimes, Lindy, I think we might be the same person.

Being smart doesn't excuse someone from being rude, condescending or a jerk. PLENTY of smart people are also cordial in a professional manner.

I've read his publications. He writes like he, and only he, knows what is going on and the entire world is stupid, except for him of course. He seems like one of the most condescending people in the world.