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You're free to think whatever you wish, Bro. I'm not here to convince anyone to join me. I've had this convo repeatedly with people just like you over the years and it solves nothing. Enjoy Appetite. I'll be spinning them all, devoid of labels and whatever certain people think is 'correct' or 'valuable'. That isn't

Disagree, my friend. Again, GN'R is not one lineup. To you, they may be. But, not for me. Yes, I did actually. That's why I am more than qualified to state the newer incarnation of Guns is better than the Appetite/Illusion lineup. I've heard them both. The people who will read that last sentence and think it's

In terms of the mainstream, yes. But, I'm a fan of ALL lineups of GN'R. I'm not a pretender fan who will only listen if Slash, Duff, and Izzy are there (and I f*ckin love Izzy, btw). I'd like to see the mainstream GN'R reunite, but I was just as happy seeing them in 2011 with DJ, Tommy, Ron, and Richard as well. They

Hootie hoo.

Buckethead hasn't been anywhere near a GN'R stage in over 10 years……and why are you so afraid to see him? Do you fear he's better than Slash?