Fluka Greatly Disapproves

Whoa, thumbs up for the obscure particle physicist reference and burn on sterile neutrino research! *Signed, a bitter ex-physics postdoc.*

I swear to god the screenshots with that hat reduced my interest in this show by like ninety percent.

This actually *was* my vote in the poll.

Popular conception of Austen: gooey romance novels.
Truth of Austen: awesomely bitchy writing about real estate.

A teeny bit goes a long way, though! My XCOM:EU ones all got minimal customization, but nicknames taken from stupid things I've said to our family cats, heightening the Emotion of the whole experience. Francois "Mr. Tiny" Mercier died a tragic death when he panicked and ran right into a Cyberdisc. However, Emily

ALWAYS choose Squadsight. Squadsight is love, Squadsight is life.

Agreeing. While I do recommend reading a quick guide on base building strategy before starting (cuz you can fuck up bad there), XCOM is for he most part remarkably intuitive and fun. It also helps that it's surprisingly cinematic, and failing horribly is half the fun! But also, you're not required to play Ironman,

I have essentially played nothing since a few weeks ago. Last game thing I remember was being in the middle of Fallout 4, looking down at my giant pile of toy cars and ceiling fans while scrounging for precious, precious screws, and realizing that life was far too short.

It delivers on all three of those words.


Oh man, I went so fast to Purity that I didn't even think to look.

Technically, you'd want a past participle in this case, so it's "Kilgriven".

Oh wow, you're right! Didn't notice that. No wonder I instinctively felt intense pity and protectiveness for Malcolm. Poor Pietros :(

(My inability to remember Armada's name might have something to do why I didn't vote for it?)

D'ooooooh…I meant Armada!

That…that went to a dark place.


Now THAT is an entirely fair objection. Now if you excuse me, I should, uh, actually finally do some work this afternoon. (Oh god it's already 2 pm.)

Oh God, why didn't I think to vote for RPO in worst/most-overhyped in this year's poll?! *REGRET*

I honestly cannot think of a comment section less 4chan-like than The Toast. Note that it's also VERY lady-centric (both the articles and the comments), which is not to say that there aren't also men that post there! The daily Link Roundups are an excellent source of good progressive reading and good