Fluka Greatly Disapproves

DCR seems stuck on Danny Kay for me and won't play anything else. It's a strangely specific kind of hell.

Embrace the Uncanny Valley!

Oh yeah, I remember quitting after I realized how much I was agonizing about whether to list myself as "In a Relationship" with my then-boyfriend-now-husband. Facebook-thinking was leaking into real life. That was back in 2006, and I've honestly never regretted it for a moment.

Oo, is that that ironic hipster racism I've heard so much about?

Yeah, I'm pretty sure their version of the T is just the regular T.

There is, uh, a strange (read: not strange) amount of Arcade/Boone fanart on the internet. Which I've, uh, never searched for.

I figure he just aimlessly wandered into the recording booth one day and started muttering into a mic.

Oh good, someone listed this. Played some of this last year, because I love Alien, and in terms of books/movies, "monster" stuff tends not to terrify me (as opposed to ghosts and more supernatural threats).

That's further than I got. I was having a great time in TW3 for about 60 hours, when midway through my time in Novigrad my interest suddenly flamed out hard. Never even made it to Skellige (again, knowing that Skellige wasn't even close to the end of the game, sigh). The game has great side quests and a great open

Skimming this, I saw pizza + slice + corpse, and my mind went back to Episode 4. *Holds in vomit until zero-G!*

Felix gives you the cash to afford the Mystery Vault Hunter's exorbitant fee. As to who it is, I'll only say ABSOLUTELY NO REFUNDS. (No, it's not Marcus.)

It's definitely the best bit of Borderlands 2, I think! Good combat and loot + fun jokey sidequests = I am most satisfied.

Well, there *is* a horse named Butt Stallion!

Yup! There's not much backstory anyway, besides that Pandora is full of crazy psycho bandits and long-lost alien treasure Vaults. Also, Handsome Jack is the douche who used to run the evil Hyperion Corporation, but now he's dead. That's pretty much all the background you need right there.

I definitely tea-bagged a few more enemies in this DLC, lemme tell ya.

