
Yes, you’ve discovered the deep-state conspiracy known as “film festivals.

Christ, there’s nothing that irritates me more than readers who disagree with a review and use that disagreement to impugn the reviewer’s ethics, as if Ignatiy would drop his critical integrity because he is “just holding a grudge against Franco.” He didn’t like the movie for the reasons well-explained in his review,

If Oliver Stone wants to be part of the important conversations, he should just get himself a Kinja account.

I’ve been following Anthony Fantano for years and I stopped following him when he started his anti-SJW “meme shit” with his thisistheplan videos. I’m disappointed that a man who helped popularise bands like Death Grips would make content that goes against the message of bands like Death Grips.

Please read the actual letter, Alien Jesus. She actually made a pretty good argument, since her school is a wealthy, predominantly white school, so has far less need for free books than other schools across that state or across the country.

Or you could read the librarian’s actual response suggesting that donating books to a library in an already wealthy, predominately white neighborhood is dumb, giving suggestions as to better places to choose, but nah the White House’s narrative makes for better clickbait, good job AV Club!

if you watched the show, you’d find plenty

I love Taylor Swift. Red is a great album. Speak Now is a great album. 1989 is a good album. This? This is bad. It’s almost ok. And then oh dear God that shite excuse for a chorus kicks in and it’s all over.

I think the AVC is just a particularly bad fit for the Kinja template. Most of the other Kinja sites are more ephemeral — very few of Gizmodo’s users are really interested in finding the original article for the iPhone 4 launch years after it happened. Their content gets clicks and shares for a few days and recedes

My abiding love for Carly Rae will take me to some strange places.