
This is a better use of electromagnetic rail acceleration technology than developing a new kinetic weapons system, like we saw last month.

@VideoVampire: This is actually the government attempting to intervene into private business for the sake of the consumer. If the rules of online activity were left to service providers, freedom of speech would be severely curtailed by those companies.

@starbuck13: Actually, the FCC is trying to *prevent* service providers from blocking or charging special fees for access to different content online.

This wouldn't nearly be as big of a problem if it weren't for the DC Circuit Court. Most of the cable and telecomm companies keep headquarters in DC because of the infamously market-leaning federal courts there.

@Daveinva: Actually, Lincoln was pretty ugly by contemporary standards as well, and it was one of the most common faults brought up by his opponents. Even without the widespread use of photography, press artists tended to depict him pretty badly (not that you could make him look terribly handsome in the first place).

This just gives more credence to the theory that social cooperation and flexibility is a more successful evolutionary trait than individual intelligence or physical adaptation.

Seriously, Gizmodo? DELL?

@rick23: My girlfriend's suite used to project porn onto the quad during admitted students days.

Is that first picture Ian McDiarmid from Star Wars?

These are gorgeous. Every time I see more urban exploration photos, it makes me feel like we're closer to the future, simply on the basis of how much of our works we've forgotten already this century.

I think we killed his site.

This looks way too fancy for what the show's been pitched as. The whole point of the Galactica franchise reboot was to put the original aesthetic of the 1977 series just as far back in-universe as out.

I received all of these and more on my 16th birthday.

I keep an entire toolbox solely for electronics tools, separate from my normal hardware stuff. In it are:

@Too.Tired.To.Sleep: Inertia is assumed to be fundamental, simply a characteristic of motion, rather than a force. You can't derive inertia from anything; it's just a way in which mass and matter behave.

Oh yeah.

@Too.Tired.To.Sleep: LQG hypothesizes that black holes aren't infinitely dense, they just cause gravity to be finitely stronger in their location, and give the appearance of infinitely increasing density from the outside in.