
@Erwin: Actually....I've already got a collection of homemade previous costume screwdrivers from over the years (paint, plumbing stuff glued on, colored bulbs and LEDs). At some point, I'm going to spring for a TV-B-Gone and shoehorn one of those into an existing flashlight case.

@Jesse Astle: We've figured managed to move EM particles forwards and backwards through both time and space so far. Just need to get down matter. And lots of it. And a way to knock dimensions out of place so you can fit a small city into a police box.

Whoa- I thought that Favreau got replaced for some reason.

@corpore-metal: I got lucky in college. My tiny school had 7 Greek societies, most of them were for jocks, rich boys, and débutantes. Except for the one I pledged (traditionally known for having militant, neo-Confederate leanings).

This is why vaccination is a better method for dealing with contagious disease than simply antibiotic-bombing every single thing we see or touch.

@swenson: Not only that, but the probe got close enough to see most of it's sides, part of it's rotation, and then visibly pass it by!

This is disgusting and filthy in so many different ways, on so many different levels. Going back to censor and 'improve' classic movies is one kind of sin, but this borders on unholy.

@BoomingEchoes: Look back on the last 15 years of his career. Are we surprised?

@Carmatic Frua: Software can clean that up pretty well. For the audio, look at Roger Ebert: He's gotten programmers to synthesize his own voice out of numerous recordings, and then simply types his own voice out of a computer. It's the same thing as what Dr. Hawking uses, except he never recorded enough lectures

This is jumping way too far ahead.

@b33g33: They don't even make out during the Ellis run! There's that little peck on the cheek and then Apollo runs off to certain death. Then Millar has Apollo get raped by Captain America.

@robmay948011: My future sister-in-law is deathly afraid of the Angels. I am currently in the planning stages of building a Weeping Angel costume for my GF and a remote circuit-breaker system for her apartment.

@Starsmore: "If we give Matt a fez, he won't take it off. EVER. He'll wear it out of rehearsal. He'll wear it in street clothes. He'll never take it off."

@orangewaxlion: LOL. Yeah, Matt Smith has the perfect mix of "method actor crazy," and "obsessed six-year-old" to make the Doctor work in his way.

@Indil: Bootcamp. Piratebay.

@cadrina: SHUT UP LIEFIELD. Indeed. But still- what's the point of advertising a character that is basically the summation of adolescent male insanity if they don't have to sneak in with a pint of cheap bourbon and two-hours worth of spliffs?

@Settings: They probably assumed that he was taking pictures of the security measures around it, including the guards.

@adambomb77: Translation: If Tyche exists, then we would expect the Oort cloud to be 'deformed-peanut' shaped, not elliptical. There's no evidence that there's a second massive object anywhere near the solar system, or else we would see all the debris that it pulled in around itself.