fluffy kittenface

White people names.

I literally have cousins named Summer Day, Spring Rain, and Stormy Night, so this seems normal to me insofaras my cousins' awful terrible stupid names are my new normal

She was originally going to go with Summer Eve, but decided that would be too douchey...

Shapeshifting Illuminati Lizardlings don't assume human form properly till almost six months or so. That's just the skinsuit shifting.

I hadn't thought of this angle but it's a really interesting question. I'm by no means an advocate for sex with nonhumans, but if consent is the marker we care about you are right to point out that inconsistency. I mean, you can certainly argue that cows do not consent to being forcefully impregnated for the purposes


Wednesday confessions: I bought a pair of maternity skinny jeans on sale in a haze of grabbing a bunch of things at once (they were some ridiculously low price) on ASOS and I have never been pregnant. I wear them when I have serious period bloating and I LOVE THEM

Is it weird that the poor grammar and syntax, spots where she lapses into BritSpeak for no reason at all (given that both of the main characters are American) and generally shitty writing were more of a turn-off to me than the whole rapey, abusive relationship angle?

I actually scrolled up to check who wrote it thinking "Goddamnit Mark" the whole time but NO.

10,000% true btw. To be fair, my relative did not know that the family were horsefuckers until after she got married. She got a few of them into therapy and then bailed like a sane person.

I would argue that, at least for highly intelligent animals like dolphins, parrots, elephants, many primates, we don't yet know whether they possess the intellectual and emotional capacity to consent to a sex act with a human—but that, in any case, they can't communicate that consent to us (delusions of mental

(A relative of mine married into a family of horsefuckers. She fucked a guy who fucked horses, whose father before him fucked horses, and so on. This is not one of the strangest things about my family)

But, but - he was talking to the dolphin in his head while high, so it did totally consent... in his head... while he was on drugs...

"I was trying to do everything I could to avoid this animal, who seemed to know what my secret was."


*whispers* They're mammals....

OH BOY. I was all . . . well, if it's consensual, I'm not gonna judge! And then:

I enjoyed that there was a "swim with the dolphins" popup ad in the video.