fluffy kittenface

What kind of social affair can you not wear stripper ice cream heels to? I mean.. A little white winter dress (classic) and small cheeky, cheery cherry earrings in ruby red would be a nod to your fun side!

What is Swedish Fish flavor? No one knows.

I don't think I could stop myself from licking the fuck out of Kate Walsh's Ribbon Candy Dress, especially that little curlicue in the front. I would lick and crunch Kate Walsh's Ribbon Candy Dress up in its entirely, but only if it is strawberry or Swedish Fish flavored. (What is Swedish Fish flavor? No one knows.)

If she ever goes missing, we should look for her in every old ladies' candy dish first.

Just to touch on the subject of "men don't understand rape"... I've been thinking lately that they really don't, on a physical level.

This is exactly how I got raped. I was hooking up with a friend of mine. I have vaginismus and a whole fun host of issues (and at the time, even a positive HIV test, which he knew about. It was a false positive, but he didn't know that at the time), I said no penetrative intercourse.

I couldn't find a direct link to the exact study, but there are many references to it. For example:

Righhhht. And if you rape someone, you're a rapist. Despite what you think you are or what you think you feel about women.

The 'blah blah study size' comments always bug the shit out of me. Yes, many studies need more participants to work. But our funding in the sciences is so fucked up that you basically have to have done the work or be expanding on really firm ground to get funding. If only every armchair statistician dropped a line to

I would rob a bank. But I would never be a bank robber.

I make a winter cocktail that is similar to this, except for the gin, cucumber syrup, celery juice, ginger juice, lime juice, and cucumber slice I sub in whiskey, whiskey, whiskey, whiskey, whiskey, and whiskey.


Thanks for the info! Don't worry - they terrified me too. But they really do happen rarely. Just remind yourself that the thousands of people who have normal procedures aren't writing blogs about it because it's boring. If you want it, go for it!

"Your rights stop where mine start"

I heard Kirby Delauter is upset about Kirby Delauter's name appearing in the media? Being a public official, Kirby Delauter should know about a little document called the United States Constitution (which Kirby Delauter swore an oath to support) which allows for the free press to discuss such controversial topics as

Can we just take a moment to appreciate how uneducated this public official is? Can we please require a basic government test for these morons? This is an indictment of our democracy.

Wait. Wait a minute.

U MAD, bro?

Is there any way his constituents, whom I'm sure all are very fond of the Constitution, could take their votes back? Like, 'oh, I thought he was dumb, but not elected official doesn't understand first amendment dumb. My bad. Can we have a do over?'

<Cries into a thermos monogrammed K.D.*> That was beautiful.