
I feel bad for him. But her? Screw that. She should have listened to him more carefully, or, you know, not drunk the Kool-Aid and done some research. The only good thing to come of this is that maybe, just maybe, people like this will turn on him in 2020.

Just to clarify, the ACA/Obamacare was the Republican healthcare plan. It was designed by the Heritage Foundation.

But I respect the fact that he always listens. It’s how he was in business. It’s how he is as president.

Please don’t denigrate weasels by comparing them to the Trumps.

They’re like the villains in cartoons who are inexplicability presented as 100% evil and determined to make the whole world suffer just for the fun of it. You know, the super-unrealistic ones that supposedly only exist in stories, since actual human beings don’t work like that? Here, let me see if I can get an exact

Bets on when they change the name of the Justice Department to the “Law and Order Department”? Because they sure as hell don’t care about justice.

The thing about evil is evil only knows how to destroy. It cannot create.

Reminds me of the stat that I read once: before Social Security, like 95% of seniors died in poverty.

Think about how mental you have to be to consider that “the good old days”


Not sure if it still is, but the No.1 cause of bankruptcy pre-ACA was unpaid medical bills.

So Sessions thinks the Po Po have their feels hurt? How’d they like DEAD?

Do they wake up every day and ask themselves how they can screw people? Is there any piece of legislation or one action that they’ve put forth to help others?

Also, the rally in Burlington, Vermont, January 8, 2016, with frigid temperatures outdoors. He addressed security directly:

Non-comprehensive list of Trump talking physical violence at his rallies:

You’ll have a very short wait.

“An analysis by NPR found that between 2007 and 2015, 693 US citizens were detained in jails illegally at the request of immigration agents, and 818 citizens were held in detention centers.”

Well then you do know where you stand on the death penalty.

Why was Chris Brown on Black-ish?

I’ve said it here before, and I’ll say it again—in the words of Liz Lemon: