
Yeah, please don’t do that. It’s embarassing to people like my husband who already really hates feeling like a special flower and wants to talk about it as little as possible. And yeah, sometimes her goes for the fries fried in the shared frier, he’s not celiac and his sensitivity is not usually triggered by cross

For sure. We aren’t sure what makes my husband sick exactly just that wheat definitely does and going “gluten free” helps a great deal (but he still gets randomly sick from other mystery things.) But is gluten specifically the problem? Probably not, we suspect it’s a FODMAPS thing or some other wheat-related thing

It’s classic “look at me, I look cool because I’m calling someone else uncool!” which is both lazy and something most of us grow out of after high school. I read it kind of expecting this but sometimes I just like to make myself mad! My husband can’t eat wheat and it fucking sucks. But guess what, I have no problem

I’m actually okay with that because a couple times I picked up something that appeared to be corn tortillas by all the usual markers and then look at the ingredient list and there’s flour! So every once and while they pull a fast one on you so I appreciate the clear labeling. My husband has one of these mysterious