Tipping wait staff generously should be universal
Tipping wait staff generously should be universal
Yeah the HOA’s gonna lose this one. Body damage =/= paint damage. If they wanted to say that paint should be near-pristine then they should have written it in their by laws. Body damage indicates a dent or worse.
I think a movie car chase scene where they try to do all the crazy slides and whatnot of your typical movie car chase scene but have it go horribly wrong due to modern ESC would be great. Like a movie about aging ex-getaway drivers attempting one last big heist only to find that modern vehicles despite having twice…
clearly gas mileage is not a high priority to you - how about a chevy suburban or tahoe?
The best thing about this whole adventure (both physical and emotional I’m sure) is that you just keep going. You. Just. Keep. Going.
my favorite part of this whole experience was following on instagram and seeing all the cave trolls, who have never been out of their comfort zone in their entire lives, try to give you shit about “being irresponsible” and “doing it for clicks”. buncha clowns.
This is amazing. Congratulations, David. Not only was this an incredible accomplishment, but your daunting trips to Moab prove time and time again that most people give up on cars far too quickly. A car is never really dead. The fate of a car lies in the willingness of its owner to do what has to be done to keep it on…
When I win the lottery and buy GMG, I’m going to break you and your rustbucket shitboxes out into their own blog so I can have an unadulterated stream of posts like this to pump directly into my veins.
Man, it’s incredible to me how often the parts gods bless you with a miracle, or you go to a massive junkyard and find the exact thing you need. Must me a Michigan thing. Godspeed, you maniac. I love my DTracy posts, especially this time of year. We’re all rooting for you, you idiot.
Bring back the bench seats. Don’t like your sibling picking on you? Tough shit.
Jeep: Please let me die. I’m old, tired, and have cancer spreading all over my body.
Maybe I’m just too immature (Almost assuredly the case), but I love stupid things like this. I’d rather someone show off their lifted truck and silly butterfly doors and anything else they did and have fun, rather than say “no, you should only modify vehicles in this way or that way”.
An interior without a bunch of useless shit in it. This limits me to cars from about 2004 or older. Unless I want to go live in India, Thailand, or Indonesia or something.
I hate infotainment systems. Especially touch screen ones, you can go scrape the inside of your nostrils with a rusty spoon if you’re one of the…
David this is easy. Part out swiss cheese to the other two. The head and front axle will both be upgrades. The work should only take a weekend and will give nice productive material for an article, call it David’s garage. Furthermore if you post up a date I’m sure you will get some volunteers, you could even…
9 cars is only too many if you only have space for 8
My advice would be to either 1) Hunt down another Go Devil engine, and rebuild it the “right” way (get all the machine work done, bore it, etc..) and drop that in or 2) After Moab, tear this thing down to the frame and do a full resto on it, like frame-off. Will take you a few years but in the end it will be worth…
Found the advertising for the tool, enjoy!