
I got one of the NES minis pretty easily, I just preordered like 2 months in advance on Amazon :D But yeah, its going to be riddiculous, but I will definitely get this one as well.

Its probably also the most obvious thing to say (or tweet) at the occasion. I think you can still support women’s rights even if you make a stupid joke like that or find it funny. The moment we can’t laugh about stuff like this anymore, that is when we have a problem.

P.S. #Makeyungoosdrumpfagain

Having spent 160 hours in ORAS, a substantial share of that in trading, this does not surprise me the least. Thank you Pokemon community for my shiny mew, or “an.. f..k Ni...a” as its original trainer lovingly named it

Or No Man’s Dog, a game about a strong and independent dog who doesn’t need no human

Thats it, I riot

I mean without the etchings its just a plain old (or rather new) Audi R8 as you see them literally everywhere. Its not my cup of tea, but it gives the car something very unique, and I like how it looks like a supercar mixed with a 16th century luxury carriage. Its a nice idea, and won’t be mass market anyway so yeah,

How do you pay so much money for games? Thats more than a dollar per game! :D PC gaming is nice.

Why cant I hold all these free Dirt 3 keys???

This is really confusing given the generally high acceptance of such things in a lot of japanese culture. are there any guesses on why that happened? any complaints, past occurences or anything like that?

10/10 would buy... when its on sale

I agree completely with the recommendation not to preorder... and have currently 2 preorders running myself. One is the NES classic mini, which I really wanted and is sold out since reveal day a couple of months ago where I am from and the second being the new pokemon which I would even buy if it was the worst game in

Exactly. Your taste is not my taste, your culture is not my culture and you feeling offended doesn’t necessarily mean I have to be offended as well.

I love it whenever the media finds a new favourite word.

Why are they called Galaxy when they dont run Android?

Its people being fanatic fans of a hobby that is a simulation of a hobby that is watching other people getting payed for performing what also constitutes a hobby. They are to deep in to make that connection

Uhh, so this is how you can trigger us Germans ;)

well, its actually in Chiba so...

Hey, yes that’s the intended effect but the photo is still real. Good photographers can do that with special lenses, I just used photoshop ;)